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Alan Saquella

Executive Protection and Identity Theft Recognition, Prevention and Mitigation

In today's digital age, where the threat of identity theft looms large, executive protection professionals play a crucial role in safeguarding the lives and assets of their clients. Beyond their primary responsibility of physical protection, EP professionals should look...

Photography in Executive Protection

Photography plays a crucial and multifaceted role in the field of executive protection, encompassing a range of applications that contribute to the development of threat assessments, security plans, real-time surveillance, incident documentation, and training. The use of photography as...

Surveillance Technology Today

Surveillance technology has evolved dramatically in recent years, enabling surveillance to become more sophisticated and complex. With drones, facial recognition software, and other advanced tools, surveillance has become more challenging for the subjects to detect, making it a formidable...

Information Sources for Executive Protection and Security Professionals

Investigation is a complex process that requires the collection and analysis of information from a variety of sources. Security and executive protection professionals are expected to have a diverse set of skills, including the ability to source information, verify...

EP and Security Professionals Help in the Fight Against Fraud

Fraud and corruption remain a significant issue for organizations worldwide, with the latest ACFE Report to the Nations indicating that it costs over $300 million, and corruption is one of the most prevalent methods of fraud. The lack of...

Essentials: Report Writing for Executive Protection and Security Professionals

Investigative reports are an essential component of journalism, law enforcement, and security and other areas that involve uncovering and documenting information. The purpose of these reports is to provide accurate, objective, and comprehensive information about a particular subject or...

Investigative Interviews – A Refresher for Investigators

Whether you are interviewing a suspect, witness, or victim, let us review some basic reminders to make your investigative interviews more productive and successful in obtaining factual and truthful information. To start understanding yourself. Check your personal biases and prejudices at...

Internal and Security Investigations Today

Years of experience and discussions with colleagues in the corporate investigative field agree that internal and employee investigations can be disruptive to the work environment. Many workplace investigations are conducted are incredibly unsettling due to an extensive list of...

The Case for Personality Assessments in Executive Protection

When it comes to hiring executive protection or security professionals, employers have much to consider today than in years past. To start, they need to ensure a candidate has the proper qualifications and skills to fill the open position....

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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