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Choosing the Right Defensive Tactics Program in Executive Protection 

There is a common misconception among the general public and clients/principals regarding the martial prowess of executive protection agents. This misconception likely stems from Hollywood portrayals, where bodyguards are depicted as hand-to-hand combat experts, engaging in extravagant acts of...

Developing Timeless Tools And The Good Old Days

Have you ever spent time with someone who seems stuck in the past, constantly reminiscing about the “good old days”? Picture the former high school quarterback who can’t stop talking about his glory days on the football field. This...

Incorporating Your Executive Protection – Planning into a Major Event 

DISCLAIMER: This article provides a general overview of protective operations advance principles in the completion of a Major Site Advance (Major Event). It was written as a companion piece for another article on Protest Activity and mitigation.  There is...

Embracing the Full Spectrum: The Power of Handheld Weapons in Combat

Delving into the basics of utilizing handheld weapons, be they blunt or edged, is not just a necessity but a path to empowerment. Understanding the core principles that make one proficient with any type of handheld weapon, regardless of...

The Importance of Identifying Motor Skills

The Importance of Identifying Motor Skills in the Selection  Process of Executive Protection Specialists  Summary The selection process for future Executive Protection Specialists must allow identifying, particularly, the gross and fine motor skills, which will determine the best development and achievement...

Top Executive Protection Course Recommendations for 2024

Are you ready to get into the exciting world of executive protection? Have you already been in the industry for a while and are looking to level up your skills? If you want to know the best schools to...

Importance of Crisis Management and Business Continuity Teams

Just as distracted drivers can cause accidents, businesses must be prepared to mitigate risks and distractions during times of crisis. Issues occurring on the road can be mirrored in the corporate world, emphasizing the importance of crisis management and...

How Prepared and Trained Are You to Deal with a “Crisis Situation”

We have always supported the need for a continuum of training, qualification, and evaluation for people who work throughout the security industry. Our type of profession requires operatives to perform, at the top of their skill set and ability,...

The Role of Mentoring in Preparing Students for Security, Intelligence, and Related Professions

Alan Saquella, a Professor of Global Security and Intelligence at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona, and a former executive leader in the security industry, emphasizes the critical importance of mentoring in bridging the gap between student graduation...

Protecting Lives: The Need for Medical Skills in Executive Security

One sometimes overlooked aspect of training in Executive Protection (EP), where the preservation of life is of utmost importance, is the ongoing maintenance of perishable medical capabilities. These skills, an essential component of an EP agent's skill set, have...

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Mastering Self-Leadership for Personal and Professional Success

Mastering Self-Leadership for Personal and Professional Success I firmly believe that all leadership development must begin with self-leadership. To be...

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