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All Shades of Hand-to-Hand Combat

For the largest part of our civilization's history, the most accessible way of getting out of harm's way was hand-to-hand combat. We―humans, or rather homo sapiens―came into being some 200,000 years ago. In this period, our most important task was...

The Fundamentals of Executive Protection Training

What are these skills and executive protection training programs needed to make a good agent? Let's uncover this seemingly tangled topic. To do most worthwhile jobs, you need some abilities. To do specific worthwhile jobs, you need an exceptional skillset....

Up Your Company Performance with a Risk Assessment

A risk assessment is just what it sounds like. It is the cornerstone of preventative measures against workplace accidents and ill-health. Every year, millions of people worldwide are injured at work or have their health seriously damaged in the workplace....

Do You Need Mobile Security Patrols?

Are you looking to upgrade security at your home or office building, but think that hiring security guards is a bit too much? Well, than mobile security patrols might be just the thing to solve your needs.  Mobile security patrols...

Everything You Need to Know About Transport Security

Transport security is essential when it comes to providing a client's complete safety. As an integral part of executive protection, transport security stands out as a service for which there is a growing need and demand. Given that a large...

VIP Executive Protection: What is it all about?

VIP executive protection is probably among the most misunderstood professions of all time. Blockbuster movies and hit TV shows are partly to blame for this. They paint an extravagant picture of VIP executive protection agents and incentivize the public...

Best Workplace Safety Tips in The Executive Protection Industry

Executive protection as career choice is not for everyone. It is a profession dedicated to the protection of people and one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Workplace safety tips are essential in the executive protection industry...

The Importance of Corporate Security

With so many different definitions of corporate security out there, one of the most frequently used ones is that corporate security is the sum total of strategies implemented to identify and effectively mitigate or manage any occurrence or development...

Your Guide to Residential Security Companies

Residential security is an integral part of the close protection industry. It provides reassurance for clients who don't feel safe at their home. Residential security companies secure one's most vulnerable possession - a home is more than a simple...

Hand to Hand Combat Training and Executive Protection

Executive protection is an awesome profession. And if you want to have a chance of making it in this business, you will need training and specialized knowledge of a number of skills - from surveillance, first aid, defensive driving to many others. Hand to hand combat training is traditionally considered one of...

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Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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