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Con Like No Other: Robber Poses as Security Guard

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In an event like no other, a bank robber poses as security guard and tricks staff into handing over cash boxes with GBP150,000 inside.  

The conman seemingly dressed the part in a G4S security uniform, helmet, and visor, walked right in. He then showed the Santander bank staff his fake ID. As media reports, the suspect easily walked out carrying six boxes of cash containing GBP25,000 each. Reportedly, this is against company regulation. 

It wasn’t until he didn’t come back in to sign the money transfer for the staff to realize something had gone wrong. The penny dropped that they’d been turned over once they called G4S, the security company, only to be told no collection was due.  

It seems the criminal had a getaway driver waiting to rush him away from the scene in south London. However, there’s no official confirmation on this yet. 

Furthermore, a Santander spokesperson states: “We can confirm there was an incident at our Brixton branch on Tuesday 5th July, and we are working closely with the police to support them with their investigations.” 

Authorities fear an insider may have helped in this bank robber poses as security guard crime. 

Questions Have to be Asked 

According to news outlets, the robbery is now referred to as “a Noah’s Ark job” due to the cash boxes going out two by two. The strict protocol requires each box of cash to be handled individually. In fact, many are asking should not have given the perpetrator away immediately? 

What’s more, sources report that the conman didn’t have the accurate G4S uniform, prompting questions about how he managed to walk into the building and convince staff to hand over GBP150k in cash. 

The one silver lining is that the assailant may have ended up stealing six boxes of ruined money. Each case contains coded dyes that would soak the bank notes if anyone unauthorized accessed them.  

All in all, the reality of the event holds none of the dramatics you might expect of a bank robbery. There were no masked men with guns rushing in and demanding cash, only to make a speedy getaway as the cops pursue.   

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