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What’s Private Estate Security to Executive Protection?

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Few people would argue that executive protection is an easy field to work in. Further, private estate security is a critical element of most CP operations.  

In a nutshell, the role of the residential security team and its services are designed to ensure the safety and security of the principal’s home environment. This entails monitoring the outer perimeter and establishing a flexible inner circle, as a way to secure all means of entry.   

After all, private estate security programs fulfill a critical protective intelligence function by acting as a static post and base of operations for many protective movements. Especially when corporate offices or a client’s primary estate is the most desirable place for would-be attackers or inappropriate pursuers. 

Now, the way this occurs will change based on the situation and needs. For instance, the different situations include: 

  • Property theft and vandalism (vehicles and home), 
  • Trespassing or access by any unauthorized individuals, 
  • Paparazzi or media, 
  • Kidnapping or hostage situations,
  • Home invasion,
  • Other threats of harm against persons or property. 

Determining Security Needs 

When establishing a security strategy, a Residential Security Team (RST) must consider all areas that could be prone to breaches, and be sure to amend plans accordingly. But, depending on the nature of the estate, agents will typically be dealing with a large and often complex site with numerous access and entry points, and multiple purposes and users. 

Useful strategies to employ: 

  • Monitor a variety of security measures to help ensure safety at a private family residence, 
  • Working closely with the protective services team, as well as family members, corporate executives, and other colleagues both in business and social environments to provide outstanding security protection, 
  • Perform access control and ensure security procedures are completed, 
  • Undertake patrols and inspections in accordance with procedures,
  • Monitor CCTV systems,
  • Ensure that unauthorized personnel are not permitted in prohibited areas,
  • Maintain an accurate record of any incidents that occur, 
  • Handle ad hoc duties as the need arises, and 
  • Address any security breaches within set protocols.  

private estate security

Consider this: If a pursuer approaches the corporate office, there is certainly a heightened probability they will eventually attempt to approach the executive’s primary or secondary residence. As such, communication between departmental teams is crucial. 

Remember, there is often no substitute for a well-trained man on the ground. Despite the most sophisticated and expensive electronic detection out there, it’s of little value without the ability of people to monitor such equipment.    

The Complexity of Private Estate Security

Determining security needs can be a complicated and time-consuming matter and those with responsibility must receive relevant and frequent training. Indeed, any agent charged with providing estate security must proactively observe, identify, assess, and understand what is normal, and can quickly determine an anomaly. 

What’s more, these security professionals collect an enormous amount of information on various people, incidents, and activities. At this point, they use the baseline as a standard against which they discriminate between ordinary activity in the environment. And, most importantly, what needs to be investigated further. 

Note: A baseline is the accumulation of data from hundreds of hours of observation of activity when protecting the estate. Security professionals can compare activity in that specific area — at that moment — to the already established baseline.  

To clarify, the information collected includes, but is not limited to the following: 

  • Local criminal activity and trends, 
  • Suspicious people and/or vehicles loitering in the area,
  • Attempted contact with the principal by unauthorized persons, and 
  • Suspicious vehicle data (either by visual observation or automated plate recognition systems), 

Every vehicle and individual will be logged in and out, as will all visitors coming and going. Certainly, the amount of data a single estate security program can collect in 24 hours, every day for years on end is almost incomprehensible.  

Switched-On Agents 

For an attacker to successfully approach the principal or estate, they will conduct pre-operational surveillance. Thus, that forces an attacker to venture within eyesight of security. And when they do, they become vulnerable to detection.   

Direct observation of potentially malicious activity or pre-observational surveillance is detected by a team that’s switched on and well trained to detect patterns of hostile activity.  

RST agent

Hopefully, when you’re vigilant and doing your job acting as a sufficient deterrent nothing untoward happens. For this reason, an agent maintains a low profile while on duty. And has the correct attitude each day.  

In other words, learning the nuances of protocol dress, hygiene, habits, behavior is pivotal. To conduct oneself in a manner synonymous with the client and the situation one must navigate.  

Members of the RST will never dress down. In the majority of cases, they will be ‘suited and booted’ in sharp attire to please the client. What boss wants his guests to look out of the window and see a collection of security personnel dressed and ready for a house painting job? None! 

Weaknesses and Hurdles 

For one thing, there is an alarmingly high rate of burnout to long working hours. Imagine walking the grounds of a large estate, even in the rain, at night time, day after day for twelve-hour shifts. Boredom and complacency can quickly set in.  

Not to mention, it can be hard to stay switched on all the time.

It’s even more difficult to stay motivated and alert, especially when you feel forgotten or resentful about having to open gates to allow colleagues out or accompany the client in his air-conditioned Mercedes. Unfortunately, the job becomes just another wage earned or a way to mentally kick off the days. 

At times, professional advisors may be unwilling to tackle such complex tasks. That’s often the case when an overly complicated architecture proves to be the biggest weakness. CCTV, microphones, movement and sensing detectors, and other devices comprise vital technological aides, provided a correct response is implemented should a problem occur.  

However intelligent and discretionary things such as a sensory detector might get, there is often no substitute for a Mark One Eyeball during the day (in layman’s terms this refers to using unaided vision to spot something) and the Mark One Ear at night.  

At the end of the day, the best security for any residence or estate is the man on the ground.  

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