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Distinguishing the Top Executive Protection Companies

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There are a ton of top executive protection companies in the world that handle some of the biggest clients and employ thousands of agents. But since everyone with an internet connection and a social media profile can claim to be the best, what’s actually true?

What even makes the top executive protection companies so good that you’d consider working for them?

Well, that’s what you’re about to find out. We’re going to give you our rundown of what makes EP companies great at what they do, along with our top ten candidates.

What Makes an Executive Protection Company Good?

From a potential client’s standpoint, there are a couple of things that almost everyone looks for in a security company. Let’s break them all down, and see the things that make clients want to work with someone.

Building Relationships

In any industry, networking and building relationships with clients is crucial for the success of a company. However, in the EP industry, it’s even more so. After all, clients are trusting agents with their lives, and they need to know that they’re safe.

However, establishing and maintaining trust with a client really is a fine art, and not everyone can do it. That is why we always stress that knowing how to communicate is the most important soft skill for all agents.

All the top executive protection companies are aware of this, which is why they put so much emphasis on training their agents. They also have people in customer relations, marketing, and PR, who will usually help further the cause.

Solid Reputation

Now, no matter what kind of business it’s doing, a company will not survive unless it’s got a good reputation in the industry. There are a couple of specific things any client will look at when they’re considering who to hire, like:

  • Word of mouth
  • Online reviews
  • Past experiences

If it’s a new client, they’ll first take things to the internet to see what others are saying about the EP company. Depending on the reviews, they’ll almost always ask their colleagues or friends to provide additional advice. That alone could be a huge deal-breaker for them when they’re making their final decisions.

Of course, if the client has previously worked with the EP company, and had a good experience, they’ll most likely go to them again.

Now, all companies, no matter which industry they’re in, will get mixed reviews. Disgruntled customers and employees come with the territory so a few bad reviews are usually nothing to lose sleep about.

However, if the reviews are overwhelmingly bad, a company, try as hard as it might, probably won’t survive. The truth is, no matter how good of a PR team they have, there are some issues and scandals that no one can live through. Well, unless you’re Facebook, but that’s a topic for a different day.

Keeping up to Date

One of the best examples of not keeping up to date with the changing market has to be Blockbuster. Back in 2000, Blockbuster was offered to buy Netflix for a measly $50 million. However, the company declined, Netflix overtook them, and Blockbuster is now synonymous with corporate incompetence.

What’s that got to do with anything, you ask?

Well, it means that a company is only as successful as it’s willing to adapt. Unless it’s innovating, employing new technology, and improving its business model, the EP company, no matter how big, will fail.

So you’ll see all of the top executive protection companies always boasting about the latest additions to their programs. But that’s how they’re staying ahead of the rest, and keeping their client base in an ever-changing market.

top executive protection companies netflix

What Should You Be Looking For?

If you’re an EP agent, and you’re looking for the top executive protection companies that are great to work for, you’ll need a different list of criteria. However, it’s still crucial that you always consider the three factors above.

At the end of the day, would you want to work for a company that mostly uses technology from the ‘90s? Probably not.

Consider Your Training and Experience

Almost all companies have a list of requirements that they want their employees to have. Some put a big stress on education, while others believe that experience and training are more important. Either way, make sure to check the list before applying for a job.

However, even if you fall short by a small margin, you should still try and apply for the job. You never know what’s going to impress a company, and you have nothing to lose by sending in a resume.

Other Considerations

Of course, salary is going to be another huge deal-breaker for you when you’re considering where to work for. If a company clearly doesn’t say that on the listing or in the follow-up emails, don’t be afraid to ask. After all, why should you waste your time on a lead if the pay is not up to your standards?

You should also think about the potential locations, and where you might be working from. But remember, most EP agents, at one point or another, live out of their suitcases. So traveling and/or relocating is usually a big part of the job.

The Top 10 Executive Protection Companies Now

We recently made an article on the top 10 executive protection companies that were running the show in 2020. So we don’t want to drone on too much, but we do want to say that there are reasons we picked these 10 specifically.

For one, these EP companies, especially As Solution, Gavin de Becker & Associates, as well as DynCorp have been in the game for a while. All of them have decades of experience and have proved to be industry leaders.

They’re also all famous for handling big accounts, and working with clients from all over the world. Working for any of these companies will most likely give you the opportunity to advance, and keep climbing the ladder.

So if you’re looking at your potential options, we recommend starting with these 10.

Bottom Line

Those were our thoughts on what makes top executive protection companies so incredible at what they do. But we would love to hear more from you. Tell us some of your past experiences or what you think makes a company good to work for in the comments down below.

And if you want to be up to date on all things happening in the EP industry, you can sign up for our newsletter. We promise to only bring you relevant content that’ll truly make a difference in your career.

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