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EP Wired Desk

A Short List of Celebrities Who Have Armed Bodyguards

When people think of bodyguards, they usually imagine somebody with a firearm in a holster. They also think of a person who rarely smiles, is routinely severe, and wears some combination of a black tux and sunglasses. However, that's...

Tactical Home Defense Practices to Protect Yourself

We would argue that, no matter if you’re in the EP field or not, a home invasion is one of the most harrowing experiences anyone can go through. But according to security experts, there are quite a few tactical...

Terrorism and Homeland Security in 2021: Predictions and Trends

In retrospect, 2020 is critical year for the US in terms of national security lessons. One of the most important take-aways is certainly the importance of agility when dealing with multiple threats at the same time. America faced political turmoil and violence...

Hollywood Stars with Armed Bodyguards to Remember

We hate to have to tell you this, but not all bodyguards generate the same buzz. Some we don't even notice, whereas others behave as if they were part of the principal's entourage. Anyway, Hollywood stars with armed bodyguards...

Firearms and Defensive Tactics That Actually Matter

If you’re just kicking off your EP career, you might find yourself staring down a long list of firearms and defensive tactics that probably don’t make a lot of sense. And if you try to research some, all you’ll...

Canada Gun Laws You Should Be Keeping an Eye on

Canada gun laws are really complex and can be difficult to make out if you don’t know what you’re looking for. So today, we’re going to take a look at the licensing and registration process, as well as what...

The Biggest Ransomware Attacks in 2020

Most cyber security experts recognize ransomware attacks as the most prevalent form of cyberattack directly threatening companies, NGOs, and even governments around the world. In the past, these activities generally targeted individuals, however, in recent years their potential for...

The Whys of Anti-Gun Celebrities with Armed Bodyguards

The most contentious topic in contemporary America is the divide between gun control and gun rights. Even more so in the celebrity world, due to their media presence. And both parties do have a point. Anti-gun celebrities with armed...

What Is Gun Violence and How Does It Affect You?

Gun violence has been such a huge problem all over the world that we’re now dealing with a full-blown pandemic. And we don’t take those words lightly in 2021. It’s taken a huge toll on society, and countless families...

Cyber Sabotage: Criminals Hacked Odsmar’s Water Supply

In a super-villain style plot, cybercriminals hacked Odsmar’s water supply and tried to poison the drinking water of this small town in Florida, USA.  Hackers accessed a computer in the facility that is used for running remote control software...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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