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Michael Trott

Traveling Can Make You a Storyteller, Operator, and Better Person

When I started gathering material and making notes for my book, The Protected, it wasn't long before I realized that many topics and examples primarily arose from my travel experiences. Maybe this is why the famed Berber-Moroccan scholar and...

Avoiding Fear as a Motivator (But Listening to Its Wisdom)

As I was writing my book, The Protected, my goal was to educate not only those who may need personal protection. But to inform the general public on what it is and what it isn't. Moreover, I also intended...

How Do You Remain Present and in the Moment?

Unfortunately, I'm not necessarily the right person to tell you exactly how to remain present. So I won't be providing you a list of concepts or recommendations on how to be more in the moment. Instead, I'm writing about...

Does Your Protective Intelligence Program Come Full Circle?

Often, we may believe that having a protective intelligence program is the key to preventing unthinkable acts of violence. But, actually, it's just the engine that refines all the raw data that goes into your intelligence program. So, hopefully,...

The Human Complexities of Executive Protection

Recently, Elon Musk hosted Saturday Night Live. During his opening monologue, he publicly admitted he has Asperger's Syndrome on live TV. I applaud Musk for coming forward with this admission as it can help open the dialogue with others...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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