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CSO / EP managers

Security Industry Trends: Breaking Down the Top 7 Fads

The first step to setting security industry trends is knowing what they were in the previous year and how they’re evolving. So that’s where we’re going to start. We can all probably agree that 2020 was a dumpster fire of...

Security Guard vs. Security Officer: What is the Difference

A security guard vs. security officer — what even is the difference? Isn’t it all just the same thing? After all, they both sound really similar, so they probably perform the exact same tasks and duties. Right? The short...

Travel Risk Assessment – A Beginner’s Guide

The first step to ensuring your employees are safe and sound abroad or during a business trip is to produce a decent travel risk assessment. If your company's workers are supposed to travel to high-risk countries, then recognize that...

What to Do in an Active Shooter Situation?

In 2018, the FBI published a study according to which there is an active shooter incident at least once a month in the United States. On a global scale, the feeling is that we come across these types of...

Easing the Headache of Cybersecurity Attacks

Many things annoy us in life. Some we come to terms with, others keep on nagging us for years. Surprisingly, cybersecurity falls in both categories. That is, we have made our peace that it will be ever-present, and yet...

Executive Protection Online: Platforms and Benefits

To nobody's surprise, the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a renaissance in online learning. E-platforms have become the number one resource for people wanting to acquire trades in a safe environment. Meaning, in the comfort of their homes. Because let's...

How to Fend Off Mob Attacks

When you first read this article's title, you presumably thought we were referring to the American mafia. However, this time around, we are talking about mob attacks as in crowds of people rushing towards your client. And not in...

Cyber Espionage: All You Need to Know

Simply put, cyber espionage is a type of an attack in which an unauthorized user views and accesses otherwise classified information. Cyber espionage often includes very subtle practices - often nothing more than a few lines of code running...

Social Media Security Risks: Obvious, yet Effective

When considering the potential business advantages to companies, a lot of people fail to take into account the ever-increasing number of social media security risks. Yes, social media is one of the best ways to connect and engage your...

The Role of Ground Handling in Executive Protection

Since executive protection is a diverse profession, it contains several facets that aren't evident at first. Ground handling is one of them, although it is usually related to aviation. Experts say this notion entails taking care of the client from...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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