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Soft skills

Why Hire a Female Close Protection Operative?

When looking at recent gender statistics in close protection, it is apparent that this industry is still male-dominated. Thus, this article explores why this is so and the potential benefits of engaging a female close protection operative. To start, let...

Networking in EP: The Long-Game Mentality

This is a story on gradual networking and how it worked for me. Though it isn’t an EP-specific success story, it’s a great example of how it can REALLY work. We were sitting there in the President's office of the...

The Case for Personality Assessments in Executive Protection

When it comes to hiring executive protection or security professionals, employers have much to consider today than in years past. To start, they need to ensure a candidate has the proper qualifications and skills to fill the open position....

How Situational Awareness Enhances Protective Operations

Some essential skill sets in the protective operations world do not get as much attention as others. To be effective in protective operations, protection personnel must be students of situational awareness, systematically observing and assessing their environment. The ability to...

Security Mentor: EP Wired Interview with William Presson

For a new exclusive interview, EP Wired sits down with William Presson, Senior Manager of Global Protective Services at Oracle. Our interviewee has been active in the corporate EP sector for the past six years – after devoting over...

Why Clients Sometimes Prefer Female Executive Protection Officers

Is the woman that just exited the restaurant with a well-known business executive — a personal friend, the children's nanny, or an administrative assistant? You might be surprised to learn that many females in the company of businessmen and VIPs...

Where to Find the Right Close Protection Job Opportunities

It's brutal out there. The job market is as demanding as ever. However, with the rise of the need for proficient security comes the increase in close protection job opportunities. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Employment...

Marketing for Security Professionals and Companies: A Guide

A recent study from the Technical University of Denmark reveals that the collective global attention span is shrinking. Although people spend more time than ever online, they aren't investing enough conscious effort to research particular trends or topics ―...

Operational Emergency Medical Plan: Is Yours up to Scratch?

When developing all operations plans, the "advance," as we know, is crucial to a successful job. A robust emergency medical plan is always part of these arrangements, regardless of whether the job is simply driving the client to a...

Ambush Tactics: Training to Recognize and React

An ambush is a situation where an attacker draws in their target to a pre-determined kill zone. The assailant establishes sources posing a threat to the integrity of the assault well in advance. And so, understanding how planning, preparation,...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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