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Alan Saquella

Insider Risks and the Evolving Role of Executive Protection Professionals in Cybersecurity 

Insider risks have long been a critical concern in corporate security, traditionally encompassing threats from employees, contractors, or third-party vendors with access to sensitive information. However, as digital transformation accelerates, the convergence of physical and cyber threats has created...

Enhancing Executive Protection: Unleashing the Potential of Investigative Techniques 

In the realm of executive protection, the necessity to expect and defuse potential threats is paramount. Whether tasked with safeguarding high-profile individuals, corporate leaders, or dignitaries, professionals in this field must possess a versatile skill set that transcends mere...

Navigating the Ethical Tightrope: Middle Managers, C-Suite Unethical Practices, and Corporate Crime Risks

A complex and prevalent challenge exists surrounding middle managers' reluctance to address the destructive impact of unethical practices organized by senior or C-suite officers within organizations. In a detailed examination of the multifaceted reasons behind their hesitancy, the potential...

Strengthening National Infrastructure Resilience: A Strategy for Addressing the Evolving Challenge of Insider Threats

The current landscape of critical infrastructure organizations is undergoing a paradigm shift, characterized by dynamic workforce structures that include remote, hybrid, and diverse work settings, alongside generational transformations. However, this shift presents a formidable challenge—the persistent and escalating threat...

The Essential Roles of Forensic Linguists and Expert Interrogators in National Security

Language is a multifaceted element intricately woven into the tapestry of human behavior, serving as a pivotal medium for comprehending and deterring crime. Within this realm, forensic linguists and expert interrogators emerge as distinct yet interconnected professions, playing vital...

Importance of Crisis Management and Business Continuity Teams

Just as distracted drivers can cause accidents, businesses must be prepared to mitigate risks and distractions during times of crisis. Issues occurring on the road can be mirrored in the corporate world, emphasizing the importance of crisis management and...

The Role of Mentoring in Preparing Students for Security, Intelligence, and Related Professions

Alan Saquella, a Professor of Global Security and Intelligence at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona, and a former executive leader in the security industry, emphasizes the critical importance of mentoring in bridging the gap between student graduation...

Advancements in Technology Empower Loss Prevention Professionals in Security Investigations

In recent years, the field of security investigations has witnessed a profound transformation, owing to the rapid integration of technology. Loss Prevention professionals have been at the forefront of this revolution, harnessing advanced tools and capabilities that have greatly...

The Importance of Security Leadership Involvement in Crisis Response Practice for Real-Life Emergencies

In today's dynamic business and socioeconomic landscape, the potential for crises to disrupt entity operations and tarnish reputations is an ever-present reality. From natural disasters and cyber-attacks to financial meltdowns and product recalls, organizations must be unwaveringly prepared to...

The Significance of Executive Protection in Collaborative Crisis Management Planning

In today's dynamic and unpredictable business landscape, organizations face numerous potential crises that can disrupt operations and damage their reputation. To effectively mitigate the adverse impact of such events, organizations must consider executive protection as a crucial component of...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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