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EP Wired Desk

What Is a Cybersecurity Event and How to Respond to It?

Cybersecurity events and incidents are happening all over the world, all the time. It’s just that the big ones aren’t making headlines, but are being dealt with by a group of highly trained security experts. But what exactly are...

New Data Breach: 500 million LinkedIn Profiles Leaked

Just a few days after a massive Facebook data leak made the headlines around the globe, it seems like we’re in for another one, this time involving LinkedIn. A massive archive with data purportedly scraped from 500 million LinkedIn...

Why You Need Tactical Defense Training

Many executive protection jobs are boring most of the time. You spend hours upon hours in a car or waiting someplace else for your client. Please don't get us wrong. That's a good thing. Being bored is better than...

What Is Not a Physical Security Measure for Your Home?

The Antiterrorism Level 1 Quiz If you’re looking up the answer for What is not a physical security measure for your home, chances are, you’re doing the Antiterrorism Level 1 quiz. If so, congrats on coming this far, and we...

Landing a Job in Diplomatic Protection — The Basics

Diplomatic protection is a high-stakes, high-paced job with a ton of benefits and opportunities. However, breaking into that particular profession is somewhat difficult. That is, unless you really have a handle on what to expect and what’s expected of...

Billionaire’s Security Breach: Bernard Tapie Beaten and Robbed

Burglars attacked Bernard Tapie and his wife after breaking into their home at night during a robbery. The former French minister and scandal-ridden tycoon was sound asleep, when four people slipped past his security guards and broke into the...

Newest Facebook Data Leak and the EP Industry

Out of the blue, a user of a low-level hacking forum distributed personal data and phone numbers of hundreds of millions of Facebook users. Now everyone with an internet connection has access to them for free. It seems that...

What Are You Missing About Defensive Tactics and Firearms

Many executive protection professionals don't get to work in teams. Most of the time, they're on their own. Either fighting off star-crazed fans or keeping their protectees safe in a war-stricken country. Whichever your work assignment, defensive tactics and...

Protection Dog Breeds That Don’t Get Enough Praise

Recently, we wrote an article on all the incredible, fiercely loyal protection dogs that will protect you, your family, and the principal at the drop of a hat. However, given just how many protection dog breeds there are, we...

Fake Cybersecurity Company Run by North Korean Hackers Targeting Security Experts

The internet just became a tad more uncertain than it was a few months ago. Or that's what some cyber experts would have us believe. Namely, Google's Threat Analysis Group recently reported on a fake cybersecurity company run by...

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Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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