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EP Wired Desk

Back-To-Back Shootings: Deadly Tragedy Strikes California

In less than 48 hours, back-to-back shootings in Monterey Park and Half Moon Bay have left the state of California reeling from one of its bloodiest waves of gun violence in decades. The latest spasm of a bloody massacre left...

6 International Business Travel Safety Tips

Traveling to international locations can be an exciting and fruitful experience for the principal. However, it can also carry certain risks that you should consider in order to ensure a safe, secure trip. Fortunately, we will present you with...

Understanding the Importance of Event Security Services

Every year, numerous music events and conferences take place around the world, with many high-profile individuals in attendance. However, many event organizers fail to institute proper medical and safety measures before the happening. In this article, we discuss the importance...

Prince Andrew’s Protection Replaced by Private Security?

After losing his military affiliations and royal patronages as a result of the civil sexual assault lawsuit against him, the Duke of York is being pressured to pay for his own protection and renounce his dukedom. Prince Andrew’s protection...

Press Release: EP Wired Sponsorship

EP Wired has been delivering top-notch industry news and articles for the past two years. Now, we are happy to announce our sponsorship program to boost your marketing efforts and help you get greater exposure to clients and decision-makers worldwide! If...

Major Security Breaches in 2022

Cyberattacks and security data breaches are still a big business, despite numerous advances in cybersecurity defense mechanisms. Why? Well, money would appear to be the biggest motive behind these attacks. So, let’s look at some of the major security...

Top Cyber Security Tools for 2023

Cyber security tools are a must for businesses or individuals interested in ensuring their privacy and safety. Given the rising importance of software solutions, tools, and security to protect companies and persons from possible online threats — it is...

Turkey Terrorist Attack: What It Means for Security Companies

Police arrested a suspect after the latest Turkey terrorist attack on Sunday — which left six dead and dozens injured. The incident happened on one of the most famous avenues in Istanbul. The bustling Istiklal Street was disrupted by...

Executive Protection Companies in 2023: Choosing the Best

We live in the age of overflowing social media posts and photos of security professionals claiming to be the best in their craft. So, it can be tricky to tell the difference between EP firms that deliver on their...

Real-Life Scenarios in EP: Security Driving Training

We invited Pablo Ortiz-Monasterio, one of Mexico's most prominent faces in executive protection, to discuss security driving training. In fact, he shares some of the most eye-opening insights into the everyday skillset that every driver must have! Pablo Ortiz-Monasterio, AS3 Driver...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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