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Radoslav Savkov

Top 5 threats for UHNW and HNW Individuals and Effective Mitigation Strategies

The top five threats for UHNW (Ultra High Net Worth) and HNW (High Net Worth) individuals can vary depending on the context and individual circumstances. Indeed, being a UHNW and HNW  individual and having a high social status does...

Providing Executive Protection Services to Ultra-High-Net-Worth Individuals

This article intends to discuss the key factors involved in offering high-end services to Ultra-High-Net-Worth (UHNW) clients. Managing the needs and preferences of these clients can pose a significant challenge, as they often have high expectations and can be...

The Stalker – Much More Than a Physical Threat

The development of the internet in the 21st century has added another, deep layer of complexity to personal protection. Reports of online stalking and harassment are becoming more common. But how serious is the threat a stalker poses? How...

Dress Code for the Executive Protection Professional

A colleague's YouTube video has inspired this article. In it, he discusses the importance of the appearance and dress code for executive protection professionals. Those of you who know me personally are aware that this topic is one of my...

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