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Timothy Gill

Personnel Reliability and Your Executive Protection Team

Recently, I watched a TV series called The Enemy Within. It focused on a disgraced CIA Officer whose supervisors charged him with treason for sharing classified information with a terrorist. One of the episodes highlighted a CIA Close Protection...

Unplanned Events and High-Value Assets in EP

Preparing for Non-Attributable Collateral Crises and High-Value Assets Many years ago, I was supervising a team of U.S. Intelligence Community officers confronted with the realization that one of our critical human informants was caught in the crosshairs of a drug...

High-Value Personnel: Identifying and Mitigating Behavioral Dispositions

Since leaving the U.S. Government, people have asked me many times what it was like to protect high-value personnel (HVP) resettled in the United States due to their cooperation and involvement in U.S. Government national security programs. The answer is...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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