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Rebuilding and Strengthening Client Trust in Professional Services

Strong client relationships are the cornerstone of success in the dynamic world of professional services. At the heart of these relationships lies an invaluable asset: trust. This intangible yet powerful force drives collaboration, fosters innovation, and propels service providers...

The Significant Operational Differences Between Private Sector Executive Protection and the U.S. Secret Service 

EP Wired is a stage for everyone, aiming to highlight and amplify industry voices. We always strive to remain neutral while allowing our authors and industry leaders to speak their minds and share their expertise. In his latest article,...

Mastering Self-Leadership for Personal and Professional Success

Mastering Self-Leadership for Personal and Professional Success I firmly believe that all leadership development must begin with self-leadership. To be truly effective as a leader, you must first demonstrate the ability to lead yourself. This idea means cultivating discipline, integrity,...

Choosing the Right Defensive Tactics Program in Executive Protection 

There is a common misconception among the general public and clients/principals regarding the martial prowess of executive protection agents. This misconception likely stems from Hollywood portrayals, where bodyguards are depicted as hand-to-hand combat experts, engaging in extravagant acts of...

The Key Role of Private Security Officers

Over the course of their assignments, private security officers are not averse to coming across multiple types of employees, guests, or contracted employees. Depending on the size of the organization housed in one or several fixed assets and the...

Developing Timeless Tools And The Good Old Days

Have you ever spent time with someone who seems stuck in the past, constantly reminiscing about the “good old days”? Picture the former high school quarterback who can’t stop talking about his glory days on the football field. This...

Avoiding Martial Arts Dogma And Navigating the Full Spectrum of Violence

  Don't let your martial arts training confine your potential. In previous discussions, I've emphasized the importance of avoiding becoming too systemized in your approach to learning martial arts. By this, I mean that it's crucial not to let the...

Ambani Pre-Wedding Security, Costs, and Considerations

In the first few days of March 2024, the world looked on at the Ambani pre-wedding celebrations that drew thousands of some of the most famous and influential guests from around the world.  But what are the security implications for...

Navigating the Ethical Tightrope: Middle Managers, C-Suite Unethical Practices, and Corporate Crime Risks

A complex and prevalent challenge exists surrounding middle managers' reluctance to address the destructive impact of unethical practices organized by senior or C-suite officers within organizations. In a detailed examination of the multifaceted reasons behind their hesitancy, the potential...

How to Avoid a Virtual Kidnapping Scam

Here is some guidance to help you determine the authenticity of a kidnapper’s call and respond appropriately to a virtual kidnapping scam. “If you want to see your Clare again, don’t hang up,” says the voice on the other end...

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Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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