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What Is Not a Physical Security Measure for Your Home?

The Antiterrorism Level 1 Quiz If you’re looking up the answer for What is not a physical security measure for your home, chances are, you’re doing the Antiterrorism Level 1 quiz. If so, congrats on coming this far, and we...

The Best Covert Surveillance Equipment Money Can Buy

Finding solid covert surveillance equipment that’s not all sizzle, no steak is pretty difficult. Since “spy gadgets” became such a huge thing in the past decade, it’s almost impossible to buy something that’s actually worth the money. That’s what we’re...

The Residential Security Plan (RSP): In House or Contract Out?

The age-old question in security is, do we conduct business with in-house assets or contract out? The debate is endless, and each option has its pros and cons. There are thousands of companies that provide residential security for private...

Untangling the Web of Covert Surveillance 

Covert surveillance has always been a somewhat hot-button issue because a lot of people don’t really understand how it works. It’s not a straightforward process at all, and it’s often going to depend on who’s doing surveillance, why, where,...

Residential Security: More Than Just Preparing For Unwelcome Guests

As professional risk management consultants, we are often tasked with estate security for clients. This can range from providing a risk assessment and recommendations to providing comprehensive solutions for the property and those residing there. This can be both...

The Evolution of CCTV Security

Executive protection agents need to have sharp vision and keep their eyes on the environment at all times. Of course, it's nearly impossible to do it 24/7. And here is where CCTV security enters the frame, as an ideal...

Home Security Technology for Every Home

Within the ever-expanding field of digital technology, there is an increasing number of security essentials to consider. For instance, the security of a client's home is a priority for all executive protection agents. In this sense, home security technology...

How to Stop School Shootings in a Few Simple Steps

According to Alfred University, only half of the students would tell an adult if they overheard other students talking about shooting someone at school. As chilling as this may sound, there is more. From January 1, 2009, to May...

The Basics of CCTV Services — What You Need to Know

As an EP professional, you have to be familiar with CCTV services, and also know how to use them to their full potential. But what if you’ve never dabbled in monitoring before? What if you already know a thing...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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