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The Drawbacks of Second-Hand Body Armour

I remember the conversation I once had with a fellow security professional vividly. We discussed the different risks and threats our colleagues and friends face every day they go to work. The increasing level of violence, the fact that...

Where to Find the Right Close Protection Job Opportunities

It's brutal out there. The job market is as demanding as ever. However, with the rise of the need for proficient security comes the increase in close protection job opportunities. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, "Employment...

Marketing for Security Professionals and Companies: A Guide

A recent study from the Technical University of Denmark reveals that the collective global attention span is shrinking. Although people spend more time than ever online, they aren't investing enough conscious effort to research particular trends or topics ―...

Shots Fired at Democratic Mayoral Candidate Greenberg

With shots fired at democratic mayoral candidate Greenberg in Louisville, Kentucky, the democrat remains uninjured as the apparent target of a shooter who fired multiple times.   The politician was not directly hit, but the bullet did graze his sweater. Expectedly,...

Blunt Force: The Underreported Threat of the Security Professional

What is 'blunt force,' and what type of injuries result from blunt force impact? Please let me answer this question in the shortest possible way, without throwing some hyper-intellectual medical terminologies at you that I don't understand myself. So instead,...

Operational Emergency Medical Plan: Is Yours up to Scratch?

When developing all operations plans, the "advance," as we know, is crucial to a successful job. A robust emergency medical plan is always part of these arrangements, regardless of whether the job is simply driving the client to a...

A History and Future of Excellence: Ronin South Africa

Established in 1995 on the southernmost tip of the African continent, Ronin South Africa is probably one of the longest-standing, internationally reputable close protection training providers worldwide. Ronin SA's CEO, Advocate Timm Irvine-Smith's background is quite multi-faceted. He has served...

Operational Fitness in Executive Protection

Recently I wrote a piece for EP Wired about the importance of combatives training for the protection professional and how I felt if you couldn’t protect yourself, you had no business protecting others.  Several months later I was listening to...

Smarts and Resilience: Protective Intelligence for Everyday Life  

Many people perceive protective intelligence (or PI) relative to high-secret government programs where security intelligence analysts plug away in a 24-hour operations center to protect those of importance. Or high-level officials from terrorist plots.     But in truth, while the term protective intelligence...

Haiti PM Survives Assassination Attempt Amid Celebrations

Haiti PM survives assassination attempt during Independence Day celebrations in the city of Gonaives. Furthermore, the recent ambush has left at least one person dead and several others injured. According to news outlets, the failed assassination attempt took place last...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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