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Dan Bilzerian’s Bodyguard Beaten Up by 15 Attackers in Greece

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Nikos Aravantinos, a well-known security professional and Dan Bilzerian’s bodyguard was brutally attacked and beaten up by 15 French-Algerian attackers. The incident occurred in Greece, near a famous cosmopolitan beach and outside of the Tropicana bar in Mykonos on Friday, 25 June.

On that night, Aravantinos received a call from the employees of a nearby hotel, asking him to intervene and help resolve a situation that was gradually getting out of hand. Namely, a group of fifteen French-Algerians, after drinking copious amounts of alcohol started getting violent and causing problems.

Initially, Dan Bilzerian’s bodyguard tried to calm the inebriated guests – some of which worked in an Italian restaurant on the island. However, the situation quickly escalated and turned violent – with attackers hurling bottles, glasses and various other objects.

According to reports, Aravantinos was also repeatedly struck from behind until he fell unconscious. Even so, the attack did not end with him losing consciousness as the French-Algerians continued to assail him even as Aravantinos lay bloodied and unmoving on the floor.

Eventually, hotel employees alerted the police and called an ambulance. Sadly, due to the severity of his injuries Dan Bilzerian’s bodyguard was airlifted to a private hospital in Athens.

Police Urge Against Revenge on the Attackers

The Greek police fears a possible retaliation for the attack against Nikos Aravantinos. In fact, from the very first moment Dan Bilzerian’s bodyguard was transported by ambulance to the Health Centre with multiple injuries, the law enforcement tried to calm down the situation.

Dan Bilzerian’s Bodyguard Beaten Up
Source: Instagram

The police made it clear that it is a matter of time before the 15 French-Algerians are apprehended. So far, at least two to three people have already been brought to the Mykonos Police Station.

Also, as reported by Proto Thema, the owner of the restaurant also appeared at the police station himself.  He was asked to testify and provide information about the identity of the attackers to determine whether the people who beat Aravantinos worked in his restaurant.

Who is Nikos Aravantinos

  • Aravantinos, or Nick the Arab as he is known, also served previously as the municipal councilor in Glyfada.
  • In the summer of 2019 he was involved in another bloody incident inside a bar on the island, in order to save a Russian client.
  • “In those moments you work with instinct and use what you have learned in education. The worst option I had was to get involved in the quarrel,” Aravantinos said about the incident.
  • Aravantinos has a wide clientele base, including the eccentric Dan Bilzerian, Adriana Lima and the Indian Gautam Singhania, president of the Raymond group.

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