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Do You Need Mobile Security Patrols?

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Are you looking to upgrade security at your home or office building, but think that hiring security guards is a bit too much? Well, than mobile security patrols might be just the thing to solve your needs. 

Mobile security patrols are an excellent solution for business or home owners that want that little extra bit of security. You know, an extra pair of hands and eyes, here and there. They usually include a team of professional security guards patrolling an area in a vehicle and periodically visiting client properties to make sure all is in order and that there are no security problems. 

Mobile security patrols great for providing that peace of mind in the knowledge that your property is safe even when you are not there. And their services extend beyond just driving past buildings  and responding to alarms. Mobile security  patrols provide a number of additional tasks for our business, such as: 

  • Patrolling the building exterior – making sure that all the doors and windows are locked or checking for intruders 
  • Monitoring the building interior – guards can enter your property to investigate for signs of disturbance or theft. 
  • Locking and unlocking the building – mobile security patrols can help you to lock up at night, unlock in the morning, deactivate alarms or open the gates. 

Mobile security patrols are a great alternative to more traditional, static security guards, being not only more affordable, but also an excellent visual deterrent to anybody thinking of snooping around your property.  

A lot of thieves or criminals first spend time checking out your premises before committing the crime – casing the joint, as they say. However, once they see your site is protected by regular mobile patrols, they will most likely give up and go somewhere less well-guarded.  

Mobile Security Patrol Services 

Most people hear mobile security patrols and they think of movies like The Watch – minus the aliens. In reality, there is a lot more to it than simply driving around, pointing flashlights. In fact, mobile patrols have a number of interesting responsibilities. 

The most well-known includes monitoring venues and outdoor spaces. This especially useful for events like festivals. Mobile patrols can cover a lot wider perimeter than static guards. Additional value is provided because of the patrols visibility – indicating an all-present security appearance. 

Additionally, when monitoring building interiors, mobile patrols are also responsible for searching the properties. They also ensure fire protocols, check security systems, address hazards etc. 

They can also be used to provide security escorts to employees or guest of note. Usually, this is a courtesy service or it’s used to address a specific risk. 

As key-holders, mobile security patrols are entrusted to keep safe the spare keys to the location. They will also respond to alarms, as well as investigate and determine the causes of its sounding. Their responses in such cases can range from:  

  • Resetting the alarm, 
  • Keeping culprits in custody, or, 
  • Communicating with emergency responders. 

For most mobile security patrol service providers, staying on top of the latest first aid and safety training is paramount. This is because mobile security patrols are usually the first response in situations like fire emergencies – so a strong first aid game is a priority. 

What to Consider when Hiring Mobile Security Patrols 

Regardless of whether you are a business owner or you are simply looking to take care of your community’s security, there are important things to consider when choosing the right mobile security patrols. This is especially important when there are large numbers of people fluctuating around your space. 

Here are some important considerations when opting for this type of service. 

Regulations and Licensing  

Physical security is there to protect yourself, your valuables and assets, as well as provide a general feeling of safety. Choosing the right type of service entails the consideration of a few additional factors. 

In case you make the wrong choice in mobile patrol services, you can increase risk levels. The companies that you are considering need to comply with legislative requirements and have proper licenses in place. 

mobile security patrols


The provider of your choice should maintain regular and direct communication in order to ensure your safety. Poor communication leaves you vulnerable. 

So, in order to avoid increasing risk level make sure that there is good communication between the provider’s patrols and control room. 

Reporting and Records 

Regular feedback is a necessity – and this especially holds true if you want quality mobile patrol services. Doing things manually leaves a lot of room for mistakes and errors. 

Therefore, make certain that the service provider has automated reporting in order to minimize human-factor mistakes and keep information easily accessible. 


To better distinguish them from customers and employees, security officers should have proper uniforms. This can be either a plain uniform, or one with the name of your business. 

Though, plain uniforms have certain limits, as they can more easily be copied or imitated. So, combining uniforms with additional identifications will ensure greater levels of safety. 

Marked Patrol Vehicles 

Speaking of ease of identification, mobile patrol companies should have their markings clear on their vehicles, in terms of registrations and licensing. Unmarked vehicles could indicate that the operator works independently and does not have the accreditation necessary to enforce effective security. 

Marked vehicles are also more of a deterrent than unmarked ones. 


If mobile security patrols were not on your list of priorities when designing your security strategy for 2021, you should definitely reconsider adding them. The previous years have seen a sharp increase of crime on business premises.  

Burglaries, criminal damages and theft are just some of the crimes that could be easily avoided by incorporating mobile security patrols in your strategy. 

They have become an increasingly popular and effective method of securing business premises. While security alarms and cameras are must nowadays, there are some definitive advantages to be had by having a physical and responsive presence, ready to deal with any disturbance on your property. 

Mobile patrols offer are also one the most adaptable security measures as they can be changed frequently and easily. This potential for variation also reduces the chances of crime in a way not open to security checks that rely on patterns – static security and cameras. 

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