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How to Get Into Executive Protection & What It Takes

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Do you want to know how to get into executive protection, and make it in the industry? Well, that’s going to depend on who you ask. Some people put a big emphasis on education and training, while others believe that it’s all about who you know.

Today, we’re going to dispel some of the biggest myths on how to get into executive protection and talk about the routes you can take to succeed. We’ll also share some of the biggest perks and downfalls of the EP job, and how to get the most out of your experience. So let’s dig in.

Understanding the EP Industry

Before you start thinking about which companies you’d want to apply for, there’s one thing you have to know. The majority of EP contracts are usually short assignments that last a couple of weeks. You won’t often come across a lot of assignments that promise long-term work or permanent positions.

That’s because that kind of work is reserved for executive protection contracts in security companies, which are tough to come by. The reason it can be challenging to find full-time employment is that agents with permanent positions don’t give them up willingly. But that’s of course not to say that finding this kind of employment is impossible. You just have to know what you’re looking for.

With that said, a lot of EP companies that offer permanent contracts require a certain level of training and education. But we’ll get to that.

What Does the Work Entail

People who’ve watched some spy or EP movies seem to think that the work is about staying in five-star hotels, dressing in fancy suits, and flashing your gun on occasion. But the truth is the polar opposite of the myth.

As an EP agent, you’ll often be working long hours, and you’ll have days when you’re constantly on your feet. Also, you’ll be living entirely on someone else’s schedule, and be ready to go at a moment’s notice. That’s especially true if you have a permanent contract, and are someone’s personal security detail.

Working in EP requires you to sometimes completely blend into your environment, and not be noticed. It also means that you have to do a lot of work before you even think about stepping outside. You have to do risk assessments, ensure travel security, and do a lot of planning ahead.

The Skills You Need

As an EP agent, you’ll need to possess a wide variety of skills if you want to make it in the industry. Even though most training courses are all about hard skills, like driving, shooting, and combat, most people working in the field put a bigger emphasis on soft skills.

The biggest one of all is probably resourcefulness, and being able to think on your feet. You should also be resilient, committed to the cause, and discrete. Being able to communicate well will go a long way, and knowing how to read people is an invaluable skill.

The Learning Is Based on Experience

Usually, there are two types of people who want to get into EP: those who have former military or law enforcement experience and those who don’t. The road tends to be a bit easier for the people who’ve already had some sort of training beforehand but don’t let that discourage you.

Training vs. Other Routes

If you’ve never had any sort of formal training before, the best way to get into EP is by signing up for a training course or two. Depending on which skills you want to master, you can shop around for different things.

Honestly, even if you do have some training, you still might want to look for courses. A lot of big EP companies want you to have very specific certificates and courses under your belt, so make sure to check that before applying.

How to Get Into Executive Protection

Landing Jobs in the Industry

Like any other industry, you can’t expect to be fresh out of training, and immediately land big clients. It doesn’t work that way, especially if you don’t know anyone in the industry, which brings us to our next point — networking.


The answer to the question of how to get into executive protection is often the most boring one. Yes, you guessed it, it’s networking. In this business, who you know is sometimes just as important as what you know.

Of course, if you’ve never worked in EP before, chances are, you’re not going to know a lot of people. That’s why you have to make it your sole mission to get to know others in the industry.

There are a couple of ways you can do that, starting with getting to know the people in training. They’re going to be your future colleagues, after all, and it’s good to have those contacts. You should also try to attend as many EP events as you can, and exchange contacts with others.

Of course, never underestimate the power of social media, creating a brand, and getting to know others through social platforms. If you play your cards right, and by that, we mean not post pictures of the people you’re protecting, having an online presence can do great things for you.

The Perks of the Job

There are lots of benefits to working in the EP industry, especially if you enjoy meeting new people and traveling. You can see the whole world and have amazing friends and acquaintances around the globe. There’s also a huge sense of comradery when you’re in the industry, and other agents will generally have your back.

What’s more, if you’re someone who loves testing out new techniques, tools, and gadgets, you’re probably going to love it here. Lastly, most agents get solid compensations for their hard work. It’s more than what security guards or police officers earn, with the extra benefit of travel.

Bottom Line

When it comes to how to get into executive protection, there’s really no one-size-fits-all answer we can give you. You have to train, work hard, network, and build your reputation from the ground up. Also, you should be attentive, savvy, and quick on your feet.

Of course, no one expects you to build all those qualities in a day, which is why you should sign up for our newsletter. We can help keep you on track, while you’re navigating the EP industry.

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