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EP Wired Desk

EP Access: The First Online Platform for EP Training

Executive protection professionals can now receive quality training from sought-after experts without leaving home. EP architect and industry thought leader Christian West has just launched EP Access, the first online training platform for executive protection professionals. The new learning platform...

Christian West Interview: The EP Industry and Career Planning

In an interview with EP Wired, executive protection architect and entrepreneur, Christian West shares his experience and insights honed over more than two decades in the industry. Find out what the future holds for the EP industry and for...

Armed Robbers Broke Into Eran Zahavi’s Home in Amsterdam

The wave of assaults and robberies of footballers and their families in Europe continues. The most recent victims is the family of PSV Eindhoven’s striker. On Sunday, armed robbers broke into Eran Zahavi's home in Amsterdam and robbed his...

Executive Protection in Australia with Troy Claydon

We sat down with Troy Claydon, paramedic and managing director at Panoptic Solutions, for an insightful chat on executive protection in Australia, and the role of medical assistance in EP. In recent months we have seen an uptick in demand...

ASIO: A Terrorist Attack in Australia Likely to Happen Within A Year

In a very blunt assessment of the security threat facing the country ASIO Director, General Mike Burgess, warns that a terrorist attack in Australia is likely in the next 12 months. Simultaneously with the country’s spy agency revelation concerning...

Executive Protection Dog Training — How It’s Done

If you want a high-performing, highly-skilled pooch, you need to get into protection dog training as soon as possible. But taking up a task like that will be incredibly difficult, and it’ll require a lot of effort and patience;...

The Fundamentals of Special Forces Training Program

High-tech gear, physical fitness, and unwavering willpower are probably the first things that come to mind when you think of special forces. However, to become a distinctive soldier, you need to go through a rigorous special forces training program. During...

What You Need to Know About Event Security 

Doing event security is a lot more difficult than it seems from the outside looking, no matter if you’re the coordinator or security manager. There are so many moving parts, and accounting for everything and everyone is virtually impossible....

Covert Surveillance Companies — the Good, Bad, & Ugly

Are you looking for the best covert surveillance companies in the business? Do you not know who to turn to because they all seem equally good or bad? Don’t worry, we got you covered. Today, we’re going to help you...

A Buying Guide For the Best Covert Surveillance Cameras

Are you on the market for the best covert surveillance cameras but the buying guides are all pointing to wildly different things? Are you confused, and about ready to give up the shop altogether? If you’ve answered yes to...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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