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EP Wired Desk

The Evolution of CCTV Security

Executive protection agents need to have sharp vision and keep their eyes on the environment at all times. Of course, it's nearly impossible to do it 24/7. And here is where CCTV security enters the frame, as an ideal...

Explaining the Basics of a Cybersecurity Infrastructure

In the age of information technology, a company that’s working without a solid cybersecurity infrastructure is pretty much destined to fail. But coming up with a structure all on your own can prove to be extremely difficult. That’s what...

Deaths from Terrorism Decline as New Threats Emerge

For five years now, deaths from terrorism are declining since their peak in 2014. As of then, the number or terrorism-related fatalities is down by 59 percent. However, conflict still remain the primary drive behind this phenomenon. Approximately 96...

Data Security Threats That Will Ruin Your Company

Data protection nowadays is heavily dependent on the human factor. It's the hardest to predict and get under control. A single reckless IT department guy, or a person anywhere else in the company, can cause notable breaches. Data security...

Distinguishing the Top Executive Protection Companies

There are a ton of top executive protection companies in the world that handle some of the biggest clients and employ thousands of agents. But since everyone with an internet connection and a social media profile can claim to...

Disaster Training as a Way of Life and More

The magnitude in which disasters are occurring is increasingly disturbing. From terrorist attacks to earthquakes to communicable diseases like COVID-19. Disaster training refers to the measures companies, governments, and individuals take to prepare for and reduce the effects of...

Night Vision Technology Is Worth the Hype

You’ve probably seen actors talking about night vision technology in pretty much every spy or EP movie in the world. But how much of that is actually accurate? Better yet, how can any of that knowledge help you while...

Cross-border Risk Management – The Ups and Downs

Foreign and domestic governments take unreasonable and unrealistic decisions all the time. However, with cross-border risk, these decisions tend to produce more consequences than they yield benefits. Enter cross-border risk management, a process to mitigate cross-border risks from the...

The Importance of Executive Protection Advance Work

Executive protection advance work is one of the most important things that you have to do ahead of any assignment. It’s especially relevant if you’re working on a smaller budget or with a smaller team. With that said, there’s a...

The Most Secure Messaging Apps in 2021

Whatsapp, a Facebook-owned messaging app, up until now reputed as one of the most secure communication tools, gave its users an ultimatum. Either agree to share your personal data with Facebook or stop using the app. In turn, this...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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