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Gun Crime Surge and Dealing with It

Modern society faces numerous threats in the workplace, in the home, and elsewhere. Some are mild, while others have life-changing consequences. In this regard, gun crime is a contemporary human rights issue because it's threatening the right to life....

A Crash Course Into Executive Travel Risk Management

In the last few years, we’re seeing more companies getting into executive travel risk management. But what does that mean for your career and what skills do you need to sharpen to get ahead? Well, since doing executive travel risk...

Assassination attempt on Pope John Paul II (1981)

Pope John Paul II was shot twice at close range by Mehmet Ali AÄŸca while riding in an open automobile in St. Peter's Square in 1981. Source: ABC News Australia

10+ Times Bodyguards Protected Idols From Dangerous Situations

  Throughout the years, a lot of K-Pop idols have been mobbed in airports, and some have even been injured in the process. As such, several fans have called on bodyguards to do a better job of protecting idols. Source: Kbiz88...

Celebrities Awkward And Funny Moments With Their Bodyguards

Stars and their bodyguards have a special relationship. Thre is no denying that. So, we at hollywoodbackstage, bring you some funny and awkward moments stars had with their bodyguards. Source: HollywoodCIA

Julia Gillard: Australia’s Prime Minister Rescued By Bodyguards

Australian prime minister Julia Gillard was visibly shaken as she was bundled out of a restaurant by secret service agents after it was surrounded by around 200 protesters who banged on windows. At one point, Ms Gillard tripped over and...

What is a Tactical Security Officer?

Bodyguard, executive protection agent, tactical security officer, security guard, tactical commander ― we sometimes get lost in the many different names that people perceive as similar roles. It's a good thing then that you are reading this EP Wired...

Fidel Castro Failed Assassination Attempt

After 49 years in power, Fidel Castro has resigned as Cuba's president. That he would make it this far was largely unexpected. According to the former head of Castro’s secret service, a grand total of 638 assassination attempts were...

7 Security Tactics That Make a Difference

As cybercriminals are getting savvier, and their techniques are becoming more advanced, companies need to up their security tactics. Long gone are the days when you could install a simple firewall, and call it a day. Now, you need...

Workforce Risks – Basics and Avoidance Tactics

All jobs carry certain risks. Yes, even working as a statistician or an accountant. No job is spared. However, when it comes to executive protection, a lot more is at stake—for example, human lives. It's for this reason that...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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