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EP Wired Desk

Helpful Holiday Security Tips

Some days are slower than others during the year, and some are more challenging. When we talk about holidays, we usually refer to them as a time for relaxation and family. However, this isn't the case for everyone. Executive...

The Role of Ground Handling in Executive Protection

Since executive protection is a diverse profession, it contains several facets that aren't evident at first. Ground handling is one of them, although it is usually related to aviation. Experts say this notion entails taking care of the client from...

The Pillars of Operational Mobility

Not to be confused with operational mobility for military objectives, this set of rules and tactics in EP translates to protecting the client on the move. Having certain predictability in this sense makes all the difference. Where is the...

Do You Need Residential Security Guards?

As the name implies, residential security guards patrol and protect private residences or areas. They are there to safeguard against peoples’ homes from various criminal activities, such as theft, trespassing, vandalism, loitering etc. Residential security guards are also authorized...

All Shades of Hand-to-Hand Combat

For the largest part of our civilization's history, the most accessible way of getting out of harm's way was hand-to-hand combat. We―humans, or rather homo sapiens―came into being some 200,000 years ago. In this period, our most important task was...

10 Best Cyber Security Tools for 2021

Cyber security tools are a must for any business or individual interested in ensuring their privacy and safety. In 2020, we saw a 26 percent rise in ransomware, with 67 percent of companies reporting rising numbers of impersonation fraud...

Security Risk Assessment – All You Need to Know

A security risk assessment relates to identifying, assessing, and implementing essential security controls in applications. Apart from that, it serves to prevent the application of security defects and vulnerabilities.   An organization or a company can use a risk assessment to view...

The Fundamentals of Executive Protection Training

What are these skills and executive protection training programs needed to make a good agent? Let's uncover this seemingly tangled topic. To do most worthwhile jobs, you need some abilities. To do specific worthwhile jobs, you need an exceptional skillset....

Up Your Company Performance with a Risk Assessment

A risk assessment is just what it sounds like. It is the cornerstone of preventative measures against workplace accidents and ill-health. Every year, millions of people worldwide are injured at work or have their health seriously damaged in the workplace....

Do You Need Mobile Security Patrols?

Are you looking to upgrade security at your home or office building, but think that hiring security guards is a bit too much? Well, than mobile security patrols might be just the thing to solve your needs.  Mobile security patrols...

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Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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