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Hand to Hand Combat Training and Executive Protection

Executive protection is an awesome profession. And if you want to have a chance of making it in this business, you will need training and specialized knowledge of a number of skills - from surveillance, first aid, defensive driving to many others. Hand to hand combat training is traditionally considered one of...

The Dangers of Maritime Piracy Today

Even though the days of black flags showing skulls and crossbones are long gone, maritime piracy remains a crime with serious consequences for the shipping industry and the global economy. More importantly, piracy still takes a huge toll in...

Travel Risk Management: All You Need to Know

Travel risk management is an integral part of every organization's security. It's a complex process of protecting the company and its employees from travel risks. TRM also includes the ability to prevent crises by eliminating all possible risks. In a...

7 Steps to Becoming an Executive Protection Agent

Most people can't handle high-pressure environments and having to be continually on their toes. But then those people certainly dont have "executive protection agent" as their job title. Similarly, when you think of agents, you likely have an image of a James Bond-like figure on your mind.  Not intending to...

Top 5 Biggest Celebrity Protection Scandals

Celebrity protection is about providing high-profile clients and their families with personal protection services to insure their peace of mind, safety and security. Because of who they are – or who they are perceived to be, celebrities are almost...

Close Protection 101: What’s it all about?

Providing close protection services is a very complex and demanding profession. We all know that all-important statesmen and celebrities always walk around with their bodyguards, but not many people know what close protection services exactly entail. It`s so much more...

What Is Executive Protection?

Often called the best and the worst job in the world, executive protection encompasses a wide variety of security measures and techniques aimed at ensuring the safety of very important persons – VIPs. It is its own specialized field...

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Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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