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Justen Keating

Solo-Protection: The Ins & Outs of the Solo Protection

Part 1: Myths and Facts First off, let me dispel myths from facts. Myth number one: solo protection is like the movie "Man on Fire" or any other movie that portrays protectors as action heroes. Fact number one: The one...

A Solo Protector’s Guide to Executive Protection

Being a solo protector in the executive protection industry can be very rewarding and extremely challenging. However, the comfort of having large EP teams is nonexistent, and one must be very reliant upon soft skills to achieve proper protection...

The Residential Security Plan (RSP): In House or Contract Out?

The age-old question in security is, do we conduct business with in-house assets or contract out? The debate is endless, and each option has its pros and cons. There are thousands of companies that provide residential security for private...

The Perils of Recruiting in the Security Industry

Algorithms and software programs can screen for certain attributes and keywords on security professionals resume submissions. However, to get the best and most qualified candidates for a particular security position, you need a human being screening the resumes. One who...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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