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Corporate EP programs

Essential Security Considerations for Special Event Planners

A critical step in the event planning process is to evaluate and prepare for potential security incidents. Event coordinators are skilled in taking every detail into consideration, with one exception--security. Often emergency situations are left out of the planning process. Security...

Delivering Value in a Corporate Security Strategy

Advising on matters of security is a technical sales game. And if fortune would have you succeed in this industry, you will quickly understand that selling a corporate security strategy to your client is ultimately an exchange of value.  What...

Being Kidnapped

If you are caught in a kidnapping or hostage situation the most dangerous time will be is the first ten to fifteen minutes as the kidnappers will be very nervous and will have to let everyone know they are...

Cross-border Risk Management – The Ups and Downs

Foreign and domestic governments take unreasonable and unrealistic decisions all the time. However, with cross-border risk, these decisions tend to produce more consequences than they yield benefits. Enter cross-border risk management, a process to mitigate cross-border risks from the...

The Role That a Security Operations Center Plays

A security operations center plays a huge role in almost every security organization. It’s the central location where all issues are resolved, threats are monitored, and data is analyzed. But what does that all mean? What goes on in...

The Biggest Workplace Risks and Safety Hazards

No matter the office dynamic, there are some workplace risks that employees face on an almost daily basis. If you’re the one in charge of securing the whole office and making sure that all the right security procedures are...

How to Come up With an Office Security Plan

If you’re navigating the fascinating world of corporate security, at one point or another, you’ll probably be tasked with coming up with an office security plan. Your employer will ask you to consider all the moving parts and design...

8 Most Common Data Security Threats

Do you want to know what the most common data security threats are and how to avoid them? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Unfortunately, these threats can happen to literally anyone, at any time. It doesn’t matter...

Using an Emergency Response System without an Emergency

An emergency response system constitutes the response teams' means to locate and move resources and people to emergency sites. In essence, moving people and goods to mitigate or eliminate consequences. If you read our latest article on executive protection movies,...

The Most Common Security Risks in the Workplace You Should Know

In 2020, we’ve seen almost every company shift its business operations from the office to home. With that, some old security risks in the workplace went away, and new ones emerged. If you want to ensure that your business and...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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