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CSO / EP managers

Navigating the Ethical Tightrope: Middle Managers, C-Suite Unethical Practices, and Corporate Crime Risks

A complex and prevalent challenge exists surrounding middle managers' reluctance to address the destructive impact of unethical practices organized by senior or C-suite officers within organizations. In a detailed examination of the multifaceted reasons behind their hesitancy, the potential...

How to Avoid a Virtual Kidnapping Scam

Here is some guidance to help you determine the authenticity of a kidnapper’s call and respond appropriately to a virtual kidnapping scam. “If you want to see your Clare again, don’t hang up,” says the voice on the other end...

Navigate the Pre-Fight Social Exchange & Self-Defense Strategy

It’s essential to recognize that not every confrontation begins with immediate physical force; many start with verbal interactions that can gradually escalate to physical touch or contact. Bearing this in mind, it’s essential to integrate a system of verbal...

Protecting the Brand As an EP Agent

The safety, well-being, and reputation of the principal are the primary concerns of any good Executive Protection Program. Filled with routine, our days revolve around the principal’s schedule, from early wake-ups to meticulous planning and execution. Generally, working in...

Protecting Principals Through Threat  & Health Risk Assessment

Understanding health issues and how they could affect a person's safety is just as important in Executive Protection as evaluating external dangers. In addition to external threats, a thorough threat & health risk assessment should include the inherent weaknesses...

Interview with Patrick Kane: Navigating the Close Protection Conference

The Close Protection Conference stands as the pinnacle event in the protective security industry, drawing practitioners from around the globe for an immersive experience. As the largest and most impactful gathering of its kind, it offers attendees a unique...

Executive Protection Budgets: The Deadly Investment in Reaction

In the last 14 months alone, 12 protectees and 28 of their protectors were killed in Mexico. This makes executive protection one of the deadliest professions for both those who practice it and those who hire it. Faced with...

Leadership in Business Continuity Planning and Resilience: The Role of Security Experts

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, businesses constantly encounter unexpected challenges and disruptions that can jeopardize their very survival. Security professionals have emerged as pivotal figures in ensuring the stability and continuity of business operations. With the rising frequency...

Training Security Professionals in Combating Human Trafficking

In the last few months, we have heard a lot of talk about the plague of human trafficking due to the release of the “Sound of Freedom” movie which is bringing a new level of awareness about the issue...

The Role of Mentoring in Preparing Students for Security, Intelligence, and Related Professions

Alan Saquella, a Professor of Global Security and Intelligence at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona, and a former executive leader in the security industry, emphasizes the critical importance of mentoring in bridging the gap between student graduation...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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