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Expert Writing

Real-Life Scenarios in EP: Security Driving Training

We invited Pablo Ortiz-Monasterio, one of Mexico's most prominent faces in executive protection, to discuss security driving training. In fact, he shares some of the most eye-opening insights into the everyday skillset that every driver must have! Pablo Ortiz-Monasterio, AS3 Driver...

Making Travel Safety and Executive Protection Work Together

I spend a lot of time traveling, specifically overseas. Transitioning from a large government agency that provided and managed everything I needed during protective travel to a public sector position was eye-opening when I no longer had those resources....

When a Celebrity PR Campaign Undermines Security

Security is often seen as something done 'to' people rather than 'for' people. Despite the progress, it still struggles to be seen as the profession it is. In fact, those involved are not perceived as the respected professionals they...

Ethical Considerations for Executive Protection Teams

Protection teams and entire armies from diverse cultures have historically adhered to moral standards for conduct that would benefit them for the duration of their lives and determine their success. Taking a retrospective, humanity's understanding of the goals and...

Security Precautions for the World Cup in Doha

I got a call yesterday from a friend who is a well-traveled contract EP professional in Southern Florida. He panicked because he had accepted a contract position on a travel team supporting a company CEO attending the World Cup...

How Physical Access Control and EP Create New Value

When EP Wired reached out to me with the opportunity to write about physical access control, I was initially stuck. Like many in the access control industry, I had not thought about the executive protection industry very much as...

The Rise of Close Protection in New Zealand and the Pacific

In 2014, while speaking with someone at an event, they laughed and asked: Why would anyone need close protection in New Zealand? New Zealand and the rest of the Pacific have often been viewed as an island paradise. Don't get...

360 Site Advance Planning for Executive Protection

If you're in this industry, your site advance game should be strong. Proper application of the advance model identifies you as a professional. Thus, knowledge of how to conduct an advance is often one of the top questions managers...

The Medical Mindset and How It Benefits EP Agents

As the world continues down an uncertain path, the demand for executive protection and private security is rising. In addition, recent events have raised the bar of what is now expected by EP clientele. In fact, having more to...

What Is Executive Protection? Outlooks on the Future

An increasing number of ordinary people who are worried for their safety want to learn the most effective ways to protect themselves. Many come across executive protection as the new buzzphrase. But what is executive protection? Is it here...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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