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The Fundamentals of Executive Protection Training

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What are these skills and executive protection training programs needed to make a good agent? Let’s uncover this seemingly tangled topic.

To do most worthwhile jobs, you need some abilities. To do specific worthwhile jobs, you need an exceptional skillset. The executive protection industry falls in the latter category.

Massively trained and well-equipped, EP agent posts are among the most delicate in the world. This relates to the mindset as much as it does to their physical strength and readiness. Many even say that executive protection agents are impregnable fortresses that shield their clients in all emergencies ― no matter the cost. And they aren’t wrong.

Sometimes called the best and worst job on Earth, EP requires strong leadership competencies, dedication, and unconquerable nerves.

Read more about it in this EP Wired article: 7 Steps to Become an Executive Protection Agent.

Speaking of nerves, when a person starts training for any future job, they become more and more aggravated as time passes. Bored to death ― some would say ― and there are many reasons for this. They range from the incompetence of the trainer to the vagueness of the training program. However, like only a handful of other professionals, future executive protection agents aren’t allowed to falter or step back. They even need to push harder and become more resilient if they genuinely want to stand out in their field.

Hiring companies want only the best for their clients. And who could blame them? Just ponder on all the various celebrity protection scandals that took place lately.

What Future EP Agents Need

As per the words of a firm that trains soon-to-be EP agents: the executive protection specialist either adapts or goes home. That sums it up pretty nicely.

No matter your starting point, you must obtain all the basics before moving onto advance work. In a nutshell, the best executive protection training entails the following features:

  • Combat self-defense skills in a realistic professional setup;
  • Hand-to-hand combat;
  • Live-fire urban room clearing, including vehicles ambush, evacuations, and extraction;
  • Minimal classroom time and maximum practice time.

One of the most exquisite companies out there to teach executive protection skills is the Israeli Tactical School. Their members are veterans of the Israeli secret service and individuals from counter-terrorism, army, and police special units. This firm offers executive protection training to neutralize a threat in case of emergency in urban situations. They designed a course for both beginners and pros ― a kind of catch-all. The main characteristics of the program include:

  • Scanning a room with non-combative threats;
  • Creating a line-of-fire involving multiple attackers;
  • Approaching center fed (entrance to a room from the center), corner fed rooms (when the entry is at the corner);
  • Clearing hallways and stairs;
  • Moving out from one room back to the hallway;
  • Clearing a space at night with a mounted flashlight on a pistol or rifle;
  • Working under pressure, aggressive mind development, and fog of war.

Still, these are only some of the features you should scan for in a proper training course.

Executive Protection Training
Source: Personal Defense World

Primary Properties of Best Training Programs

All in all, what you should be looking for is an intensive course that will teach you to handle any emergency. After all, that’s why a hiring EP company will get you onboard in the first place. They won’t make you part of their team just because you told them you’re the best in what you do.

Another crucial distinction between nebulous and comprehensive executive protection training programs relates to the process aspect. Namely, an in-depth training course likely features a viable step-by-step method for developing a confident mentality through classroom and practical exercises. Another company that offers training in this field is Advanced Security Concepts, Inc., or rather its operational branch ― the Pacific West Academy. They will further your skills or create solid foundations in you if you are new to the industry.

Depending on the program’s complexity, a course can take between three and 40 days of intense training. Therefore, you should be careful about allocating the time to find training firms with state-of-the-art facilities and qualified instructors. And remember to pick an accredited company with affordable pricing.

Another way to decide which one to choose is to read students’ testimonials and detailed training descriptions on websites.

What to Lookout For

It may take some time to research hundreds of companies out there. It looks like a daunting task that will only discourage you from launching or upgrading your EP career. That’s why it is a good thing we wrote a useful EP Wired article, summing up the ten most prestigious firms.

Back to our main point, other significant characteristics of the best training programs may include:

  • Observational threat assessment;
  • Firearms operation;
  • Taser training;
  • Tactical mobility;
  • Situational awareness.

You know you have made the right choice if a company has all these varied aspects as part of their programs.

Oh, and don’t forget to check if the course offers a certificate upon completion since many firms require it as part of their hiring process.

Aside from the whole physical training experience, a person seeking to become a professional EP agent should focus on a few other points. These include advancing computer skills and acquiring digital mapping technology know-how as a crucial component in assessing risks. Moreover, when performed correctly, a security risk assessment can tremendously enhance your everyday work and safeguard your clients. You will see your work improving as soon as you learn how to use surveillance tools and EP gadgets.

You surely don’t want to skip this trait when picking a training company.

In Conclusion

Starting a new or upgrading a prior career always feels strenuous, and it isn’t any different with executive protection. Whether you are just setting out or already hold remarkable expertise in handling emergencies, there is no way around training. It is an ongoing process that will determine if you have what it takes.

Don’t fool yourself: Anyone can learn in a classroom, but it requires devotion and stamina to keep up with industry standards.

To choose the best EP training programs out there, remember these few tips, not necessarily in this order:

  • Check if you will receive a certificate upon completion;
  • Learn about the training company’s experience;
  • Find out if their staff is qualified and whether the training course includes the use of technology and gadgets;
  • Verify if the program is affordable and accredited.

If you hope to improve your EP mind- and skillset, follow these rules and remember to allocate the time and resources to make it worthwhile. Your future self will be grateful to you.

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