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Sacramento Mass Shooting: What Comes Next

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The Sacramento mass shooting is the most recent in a series of similar events in the US. Local police have said that it left six dead, at least 18 injured — and that gang violence is to blame. In fact, the Sacramento mass shooting erupted downtown, involving at least five shooters and two opposing groups.

However, the police department representatives have said that the number of identified gunmen may “grow beyond five” as they establish all the details.

Similarly, connoisseurs believe that gang-related violence is increasingly common in these neighborhoods.

Sadly, the Sacramento mass shooting is only one of approximately 120 similar events in the United States in 2022 alone. According to news outlets, the horrific incidents resulted in more than 130 dead and close to 500 injured in total.

Luckily, the residents of the surrounding Sacramento neighborhoods have submitted more than 200 video clips, photos, and other evidence to the authorities. Doing so will help the police establish all the facts. In fact, it has so far led to the arrest of three men. But the prosecutor has only officially charged one individual.

Further, the incident occurred in a bustling part of downtown, only a few blocks from the Golder 1 Center, which stars the city’s NBA team’s home games. Nearby are the California State Capitol and other institutions.

In addition, a video that social media users posted appears to show an altercation preceding the shooting. And with more than 100 shell casings found at the scene, the police say that the investigation will be equally complex.

Sacramento mass shooting

The Aftermath of the Sacramento Mass Shooting

Residents of Sacramento are furious. They demand a swift reaction from the authorities to stop repeated instances of gun violence in their neighborhoods.

Local mayor, Darrell Steinberg, has said that the US needs solutions “to help change the trajectory of gun violence in America.” He told CNN that “Thoughts and prayers are not enough. It is beyond time to have a sane conversation (about) guns in America. We have a sickness — it’s a sickness in our country, it’s a sickness in our culture.”

This mass shooting was preceded by another one in the same city only weeks apart. There, a man shot and killed three of his children and another man at a church. After that, he took his own life. In addition, just hours before the Sacramento mass shooting last Sunday, ten people were injured, and one person was killed during a gunfire incident in Dallas, Texas.

In the meantime, the Sacramento County Coroner’s Office has released a list of the six victims who died. The youngest of them are two 21-year-olds.

The local authorities vow to continue investing in programs that focus on violence prevention and early intervention for youth.

What do you think, EP Wired reader? How will this series of mass shootings reflect on our industry? How should an EPA or CPO respond in a similar situation? Let us know in the comments below!

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