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The New Era of Executive Protection Lifestyle

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We got some news for you. There is no such thing as a unified, centralized executive protection lifestyle. People are the ones who create trends and lifestyles. Hence, personalities differ significantly from person to person. Therefore, it’s only reasonable to expect that a specific executive protection lifestyle will depend on who you ask. But also what you ask them.

That also applies to the question of who are executive protection agents. Are they a uniform group of people who have the same interests and goals in life? Well, what do you think? One answer could be I have no clue. And that’s okay.

Here, on EP Wired, we share our insights and thoughts about the executive protection industry. And this time won’t be any different―except it will. The reason? People have strong opinions about their jobs and how and what you should do if you are part of a specific trade. We beg to differ.

This notion is overemphasized in executive protection, where most companies and industry specialists want to impose their views on the rest of us. Wear this, use that gear, attend this course, do this, don’t do that. We know, we are guilty as charged.

However, sometimes it makes sense to listen to someone who is more experienced.

Top 4 Podcasts on Executive Protection Lifestyle

In the past five years or so, people have become more enthusiastic about acquiring knowledge through podcasts. They’ve started to replace books, videos, and all sorts of other educational means with podcasts. We won’t be making moral judgments about whether that’s a bad or a good thing.

But we will tell you something. Knowledge is indispensable in the modern world. It shouldn’t matter if you obtain it by listening to a few folks talking or by reading three volumes of a book. That is, as long as you get the expected results.

Most of the podcasts we recommend here are available on popular platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher. We picked these four because they perfectly portray the current and future trends in the industry.

So without further ado, here are our top picks of executive protection podcasts for your pleasure:

1) Executive Protection Lifestyle Podcast

Where best to start with discussing EP lifestyle but by mentioning a podcast by that name? The host of one of the most renowned podcasts in the industry is Byron Rodgers. EP professionals hold it in high regard and listen to it frequently and carefully.

In a nutshell, the host handpicks guest speakers, teachers, and instructors, bringing to the table topics from around the globe. The podcast offers a slew of other advantages. These include discussions about cutting-edge techniques, tactics, and equipment for the sake of effectively protecting clients.

They proclaim to have the intention of making the world a safer place. Also, they strive to restore honor to the security industry by raising the standards of services and creating a type of security professional who is smart, honorable, and strong. We can attest to that.

2) Conversations in Close Protection

Hosted by Charles Randolph and Chris Story, Conversations in Close Protection is a famous podcast about the executive/close protection industry. The podcast’s primary goal is to enhance discussions about the business and promote values, information, and education.

Led by two brilliant individuals from the EP world, the podcast brings guests from different companies and individuals who mean business. They talk soft and hard skills, gear, and threat management, as well as a variety of other exciting topics. Check it out if you want to be on top of your EP game.

executive protection lifestyle

3) Executive Protection and Secure Transportation Podcast

We are aware of how vital it is for an executive protection agent to be familiar with advance driving. Well, this podcast elevates your skills to the next level. They bring you weekly episodes with news, research, and metrics useful for the world of executive protection. Also, they put particular emphasis on secure transportation professionals.

Larry Snow, the podcast host, has worked in the EP industry for the past 20 years. Some of their latest podcast topics include the dramatic increase in carjackings, vehicle dynamics and reflecting on the effects of COVID-19 on the profession. Basically, if you start listening to this podcast, you are in for a ride.

4) Protective Intelligence Podcast

The host of this remarkable podcast is Fred Burton. He is one of the world’s most knowledgeable authorities on corporate security, executive protection, and protective intelligence.

On this podcast, he talks to experts about dozens of topics. Some of them include the 1966 University of Texas shooting, high-profile kidnappings, and workplace violence incidents.

Whatever you are looking for, Burton probably has got you covered. Some of his latest episodes address quantifying risk, the attack cycle, and pre-operational surveillance, as well as U.S. Capitol riots. He even talks to people like former CIA special agents and bestselling authors, to mention a few.

And if you were wondering, then yes, this podcast is as exciting as it sounds.

EP Lifestyle Trends That Stick Around

As we mentioned previously, there is no such thing as a consolidated center producing all the trends and lifestyle fads. Every executive protection agent has their thoughts and ideas about what honor is and what they should be posting on social media.

Furthermore, most industry specialists have their particular views of how you should react in certain situations. And what’s the appropriate amount of communication with your client to ensure their security.

Well, only ten years ago, executive protection used to revolve around preventing physical threats mostly. However, today we have advance work that is remarkably beneficial, both for the EP agent and the principal. This particular niche of executive protection allows you to prepare for all threats.

Another essential trend concerns building a stronger relationship between intelligence-gathering experts and security professionals on the ground. The merging of physical safety and cybersecurity allows EP specialists to improve their communication and widen their intelligence scope.

Solely focusing on one won’t suffice, as we have seen in our piece on Top 5 Biggest Celebrity Protection Scandals.

To add to the importance of cybersecurity, let’s look at the internet.

Principals and their family members share more information online than ever before. It’s easier to identify connections between executives and their wives, husbands, and relatives. For this reason, EP teams must be ready to quickly detect threats, investigate them, and mitigate the consequences before a danger escalates.

According to the Global Business Travel Association, organizations will spend USD 1.513 trillion in 2020 on corporate travel globally. And journeys are really important for executive protection.

With a bulletproof strategy for protection VIPs in place, it doesn’t matter if you are in your domestic or foreign country. A journey management plan will do the trick for every occasion.

Final Remarks

This article covered some of the most significant executive protection lifestyle trends and facts of life. We discussed the sources of learning, including podcasts, and mentioned just a few of the many security trends that stand out.

You are now ready to think outside the box and have a broader perspective on the executive protection lifestyle.

So here are a few closing notes for you:

  • Pick your unique EP lifestyle and try to stand out.
  • Don’t become entangled in trends just because they seem to attract hype.
  • Use every opportunity you have to train yourself, mentally and physically.
  • Listen to podcasts that could make a difference in your career, i.e., the four above.

And remember one last thing, whatever you do, don’t bring shame to the EP game. It doesn’t matter if you are a rookie or a seasoned EP professional. It applies to you too.

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