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The Residential Security Plan (RSP): In House or Contract Out?

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The age-old question in security is, do we conduct business with in-house assets or contract out? The debate is endless, and each option has its pros and cons. There are thousands of companies that provide residential security for private clients.

From the basics like ADT to fully staffed armed guards at a front gate. Today we are going to discuss some of the basic guidelines and assets to employ when developing a new residential security plan (RSP) or reviewing an existing one.

Perimeter Fencing and Gates

If your client’s private family residence is large enough, it will or should, at the bare minimum, have security fencing and/or access control gates. I am not talking about razor-wire fences and sandbagged bunkers with VCP’s (vehicle checkpoints), but it should at the least have some sort of access control to the grounds of the property.

There are virtually hundreds, if not thousands, of materials and structure designs one can employ. Fencing can range from nice, elegant rod iron structures to blacked-out fencing and/or brick/concrete walls. The main question to ask yourself when planning a new RSP or conducting a Risk Assessment of an existing structure is, where are my blind spots/vulnerabilities, and what areas can be exploited by unwanted guests? The answers to this will vary depending on the property you are dealing with and your client’s needs and tastes in aesthetics.

Residential Security Plan

Cameras and Alarms

Cameras can your best friend or a pain in your backside depending on the sophistication of the camera systems. Optical surveillance and alarm systems range from hard-wired to WIFI structures with remote monitoring capabilities. Each has its benefits and difficulties when employing.

Some of the issues that may arise are, cleaning off the camera lenses and housing structures, maintenance on the software, and other issues like backup power systems to install. I would say, if your client is not going to have 24/7 on-site armed/unarmed residential security staff who can monitor the camera feeds, a remote monitoring capability is the better choice to go with. That way the client, EP team, EA’s (executive admins), or PA’s (personal assistants) can have 24/7 control of the system.

Failure To Employ Proper Assets

We have all read countless stories of home invasions, stalkers jumping the walls of celebrity homes, camera systems being hacked, etc. Many of these incidents are due to a failure in the existing security plan or someone exploiting the security infrastructure itself for its weak points.

No system is full-proof because there is the .1% to account for when Murphy’s Law kicks in and your plan fails for one reason or another. However, failure to employ a basic proper plan, physical deterrent, or security system can ultimately be a major financial burden and even life-threatening issue for our clients and even in our homes.

These are just some basic guidelines to consider when building or renovating an existing residential security plan. The details will come down to what your client is comfortable with and what fits best with their lifestyle and residence(s). In the end, remember you get what you pay for when it comes to any sort of security structure or service. What is best for your client and their needs will be determined by conducting a proper survey of their lifestyle and residences.

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