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EP Wired Desk

High Threat Executive Protection Training That Makes Sense

We know what you thought when you read the article's title. High threat executive protection? Really? Is there something nonthreatening about EP? And we hear you. High threat executive protection training entails surveillance detection, tactical medical considerations, and security...

The Most Famous Female Assassins to Walk the Earth

Today, we’re going to take a deep dive into the most famous female assassins from all over the world. These women were usually spies, prudent in espionage, and masters of murder. They were just as effective as their male...

A Breakdown of the Famous Assassinations in History

People have been clubbing each other over the head for thousands of years now, and the only things that change are the murder weapons. However, there tend to be some murders that stand out more and make the most...

The Gruesome History of International Terrorist Attacks

The history of international terrorist attacks is, as you can imagine, horrific and spine-chilling. And even though the number of deaths from terrorist attacks is going down, they’re still a constant threat. Today, we’re going to take a look at...

The Secret to Successful Celebrity Security Teams

In the brilliant words of Michael Jordan, Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships. Lone players in the executive protection industry usually don't make it far. That's why experts regard working in teams as crucial for client...

Jeff Bezos is stepping down as CEO of Amazon

After 27 years at Amazon’s helm, Jeff Bezos is stepping down as CEO and handing the rains to Andy Jassy, the chief executive of Amazon Web Services. Bezos will transition into the role of Executive Chair of the Amazon...

How to Get Into Executive Protection & What It Takes

Do you want to know how to get into executive protection, and make it in the industry? Well, that’s going to depend on who you ask. Some people put a big emphasis on education and training, while others believe...

Getting Started with an Executive Protection Business Plan

We know how much executive protection agents take pride in their work. We are also aware that EP isn't just another job. It's so much more than that. But at the end of the day, this industry is a...

AS Solution Disappears Into Allied Universal for Good

Back on November 21st, 2019, Allied Universal announced its merger with SOS Security, a parent company of AS Solution. After almost two and half years, the long-awaited Allied Universal and SOS Security merger is finally happening on February 5th. The...

7 Executive Protection Tactics You Should Be Learning

In the EP industry, there’s a lot of talk about the executive protection tactics that every agent should master. However, often, unless you sign up for a course or EP training, you won’t ever get to learn what these...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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