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EP Wired Desk

The New Era of Executive Protection Lifestyle

We got some news for you. There is no such thing as a unified, centralized executive protection lifestyle. People are the ones who create trends and lifestyles. Hence, personalities differ significantly from person to person. Therefore, it's only reasonable...

Critical Infrastructure Security in an Unsecure World

Every society and nation rests on distinct pillars to allow it to function correctly. Experts often refer to some of these pillars as critical infrastructure. In essence, critical infrastructure security is concerned with protecting systems, networks, and assets that...

What’s This Thing Called Cloud Infrastructure Security?

As new technologies emerge, so do unknown risks. In the rapidly developing tech world, we must view cloud infrastructure security as one of the crucial responsibilities. In a nutshell, cloud infrastructure security refers to the entire infrastructure of cloud...

USA: Acts of Domestic Terrorism That Shocked the World

According to the latest CSIS data, white supremacists were responsible for the majority of acts of domestic terrorism in 2020. Also, a lot of these attacks directed at law enforcement, military, and government personnel. As the number of terrorist plots...

Cyber Radicalization: Terrorist Groups and the Internet

The Internet is becoming the town square of the global village of tomorrow. - Bill Gates It’s interesting that this prediction turned out to be wrong. In fact, considering the impact of the global pandemic from 2020, the internet is not...

Terrorism and Airport Security – A Short Guide

Terrorists are a looming threat, and airports are one of their most desirable targets. Why? Because they are easily accessible, gather many people in one place, and don't employ too many protection staff or the right equipment. Terrorism and...

Security Infrastructure: What It Is and Why You Need It

As pretty much anyone in the industry will tell you, good security infrastructure is the cornerstone of any business. It doesn’t matter if the company has five computers or fifty thousand — the end goal is the same. You...

The Evolution of CCTV Security

Executive protection agents need to have sharp vision and keep their eyes on the environment at all times. Of course, it's nearly impossible to do it 24/7. And here is where CCTV security enters the frame, as an ideal...

Explaining the Basics of a Cybersecurity Infrastructure

In the age of information technology, a company that’s working without a solid cybersecurity infrastructure is pretty much destined to fail. But coming up with a structure all on your own can prove to be extremely difficult. That’s what...

Deaths from Terrorism Decline as New Threats Emerge

For five years now, deaths from terrorism are declining since their peak in 2014. As of then, the number or terrorism-related fatalities is down by 59 percent. However, conflict still remain the primary drive behind this phenomenon. Approximately 96...

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Slovakia’s Prime Minister Shot in a Politically Motivated Attack

Slovakia's Prime Minister, Robert Fico, has been shot five times in an assassination attempt that has shocked the country....

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