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Bodyguard Presents Photos of Johnny Depp’s Injuries

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The famous actor’s bodyguard testified about the volatile relationship between Depp and Amber Heard. Sean Bett took to the stand in the defamation trial, presenting the court with images evident of Johnny Depp’s injuries.

As the media reports, Depp alleges that Heard defamed him by describing herself as a victim of domestic violence. The star’s ex-wife claims he physically abused her before they divorced in 2016.

At the hearing, Bett testified he saw Johnny Depp’s injuries while working for him. The images he presents depict facial injuries from different alleged incidents. Moreover, the photographic evidence supports the bodyguard’s testimony he was present during the multiple tumultuous incidents between Heard and Depp during their relationship.

Evidence is there to support assertions, and Depp was fortunate to have documented his injuries at the time.

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