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CSO / EP managers

Strategy, Communication, and Maintenance

Executive protection, and security in general, are a blended, and operational sector. Just as no two principals are alike, those who have a stake in the outcome of the operation and protection of the principal also differ in both...

Essentials: Report Writing for Executive Protection and Security Professionals

Investigative reports are an essential component of journalism, law enforcement, and security and other areas that involve uncovering and documenting information. The purpose of these reports is to provide accurate, objective, and comprehensive information about a particular subject or...

The Need for Higher Ethical Standards in EP

We had the pleasure of speaking with Michael Julian, a highly experienced executive protection and security professional. With a career spanning over three decades, Michael has worked in various capacities in the industry and has been recognized for his...

EP Evolution: CIIRM and the Importance of Language in Defining a Profession

There are many names for our profession: executive protection, protection of public officials, celebrity security, VIP protection, Protective Security, Close Protection, etc. For some, these are synonymous; for others, they indicate entirely different professions, which comes along with intense...

Saving Principals from Themselves

Principals, along with their family, friends, guests, and acquaintances, encompass as much diversity in personality as the threats, which executive protection agents protect against.  Ironically though, there are some principals that go against their protective detail leaderships’ protocol and...

Bodyguards for Kids: Helping the Children of St. Jude’s Hospital

In a heartwarming effort to support St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee, Nannyguards has launched a new project called Bodyguards for Kids. This virtual networking and educational fundraising event will provide medical assistance and support to children in...

Executive Protection in India: Interview with Varun Kareparambil

Protection of high-profile individuals and executives is a delicate and crucial task, especially in a rapidly evolving world where threats can come from unexpected sources. Executive protection in India, with its rich history and diverse cultural landscape, has its...

Investigative Interviews – A Refresher for Investigators

Whether you are interviewing a suspect, witness, or victim, let us review some basic reminders to make your investigative interviews more productive and successful in obtaining factual and truthful information. To start understanding yourself. Check your personal biases and prejudices at...

International Executive Protection Services: What to Look For

When hiring executive protection services, looking for a company with extensive experience in the security industry is crucial. This ensures that the protection team is well-trained and able to handle any potential threat to the executive. So, if you...

Internal and Security Investigations Today

Years of experience and discussions with colleagues in the corporate investigative field agree that internal and employee investigations can be disruptive to the work environment. Many workplace investigations are conducted are incredibly unsettling due to an extensive list of...

Latest News

7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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