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Top Executive Protection Course Recommendations for 2024

Are you ready to get into the exciting world of executive protection? Have you already been in the industry for a while and are looking to level up your skills? If you want to know the best schools to...

Importance of Crisis Management and Business Continuity Teams

Just as distracted drivers can cause accidents, businesses must be prepared to mitigate risks and distractions during times of crisis. Issues occurring on the road can be mirrored in the corporate world, emphasizing the importance of crisis management and...

How Prepared and Trained Are You to Deal with a “Crisis Situation”

We have always supported the need for a continuum of training, qualification, and evaluation for people who work throughout the security industry. Our type of profession requires operatives to perform, at the top of their skill set and ability,...

The Role of Mentoring in Preparing Students for Security, Intelligence, and Related Professions

Alan Saquella, a Professor of Global Security and Intelligence at Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona, and a former executive leader in the security industry, emphasizes the critical importance of mentoring in bridging the gap between student graduation...

Protecting Lives: The Need for Medical Skills in Executive Security

One sometimes overlooked aspect of training in Executive Protection (EP), where the preservation of life is of utmost importance, is the ongoing maintenance of perishable medical capabilities. These skills, an essential component of an EP agent's skill set, have...

Skills and Knowledge: The Dual Highway of the Brain

The human brain is a fascinating and complex system that manages a wide range of tasks, from sensory perception to decision-making and learning. According to experts, there are two types of information in your brain: skills and knowledge. Both are...

Planning for Safe & Secure Ground Transportation Success – Part 1

Spend more than a few minutes in the executive protection profession and it will become obvious that two of the major components of any protective visit is Logistics and Ground Transportation. By major, we mean, where some of the...

Interview with Jerry Heying: The Benefits of Traditional EP Training

Jerry Heying is a highly respected figure in the field of EP with over 40 years of experience in protective services. He is the CEO of the Executive Protection Institute and IPG and is a member of several prestigious...

Mastering the Art of Security: Training for Expertise and Consistent Performance

A security professional can be compared to a professional athlete in that they must have the appropriate skills to consistently and safely perform their duties and, most importantly, to perform better than the opponent - except in security, lives...

The Need for Higher Ethical Standards in EP

We had the pleasure of speaking with Michael Julian, a highly experienced executive protection and security professional. With a career spanning over three decades, Michael has worked in various capacities in the industry and has been recognized for his...

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Insider Risks and the Evolving Role of Executive Protection Professionals in Cybersecurity 

Insider risks have long been a critical concern in corporate security, traditionally encompassing threats from employees, contractors, or third-party...

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