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Celebrity protection

Close Protection in Japan, the Land of the Rising Sun

Work has been dry, to say the least, with MNCs (not) traveling to Asia. And, in particular, close protection in Japan, which is under its third state of emergency, currently planned till the end of June. Also, there is...

Sergio Perez’s Bodyguard Was Shot During a Car Robbery

Sergio Perez’s bodyguard was shot during an attempted car robbery in Guadalajara. Perez, a Red Bull driver, was competing in the Monaco Grand Prix at the time. He only found out about the incident after qualifying in the ninth...

Karen Connell Interview: Handling VIP Protection

1. One of your roles in Hunter Protection is interviewing CPOs to see if they are right for the company. What is it that you’re looking for in individuals who are going to be doing high-level, VIP protection? Hunter Protection...

A Night of Terror: Chris Smalling Robbed at Gunpoint

A night of ordeal saw the famous British footballer, Chris Smalling robbed at gunpoint inside his home in Italy. Armed intruders broke into the Roma defender’s home, threatened him in front of his wife and two year old son...

8 Myths About Bodyguards

Whenever we talk to some industry experts, defining the role of bodyguards comes to mind. What do their responsibilities encompass? Not to push your buttons but an increasing number of security professionals associate themselves with being a bodyguard. So...

5 Protective Strategies For Stopping Stalkers In Their Tracks

The past few weeks have served as an unfortunate reminder to the real-world dangers which have been lying in wait for our return to normal. Active shooters, aggravated grievance, political attacks, and then this week, stalking concerns confronting public...

Being Kidnapped

If you are caught in a kidnapping or hostage situation the most dangerous time will be is the first ten to fifteen minutes as the kidnappers will be very nervous and will have to let everyone know they are...

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Security Claims Echo Around the Globe

Some Prince Harry and Meghan Markle security claims have been rocking the EP industry for a full week now. Everyone seems to have an opinion on what’s going on, and what the aftermath hold. But if you don’t usually...

Lady Gaga’s Dog Walker Shot in the Chest; She Offers $500,000 Reward

Worrying news broke out on Wednesday, February 24, when a gunman shot and wounded Lady Gaga's dog walker. Following the horrendous act, two attackers stole a couple of French bulldogs belonging to the American singer. Soon after the crime, the Los...

How do I get started in the EP industry?

Often I get asked from people "how did you get started in the EP industry?" or "what does it take to do this job?". So, I thought I would answer that question with posting the first chapter of a...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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