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Future practioners

What Is a Cybersecurity Event and How to Respond to It?

Cybersecurity events and incidents are happening all over the world, all the time. It’s just that the big ones aren’t making headlines, but are being dealt with by a group of highly trained security experts. But what exactly are...

Why You Need Tactical Defense Training

Many executive protection jobs are boring most of the time. You spend hours upon hours in a car or waiting someplace else for your client. Please don't get us wrong. That's a good thing. Being bored is better than...

5 Protective Strategies For Stopping Stalkers In Their Tracks

The past few weeks have served as an unfortunate reminder to the real-world dangers which have been lying in wait for our return to normal. Active shooters, aggravated grievance, political attacks, and then this week, stalking concerns confronting public...

Delivering Value in a Corporate Security Strategy

Advising on matters of security is a technical sales game. And if fortune would have you succeed in this industry, you will quickly understand that selling a corporate security strategy to your client is ultimately an exchange of value.  What...

Landing a Job in Diplomatic Protection — The Basics

Diplomatic protection is a high-stakes, high-paced job with a ton of benefits and opportunities. However, breaking into that particular profession is somewhat difficult. That is, unless you really have a handle on what to expect and what’s expected of...

The Safety Trap of “Shirking Responsibility”

If the storming of the Capitol Building on January 6th was a lesson learned in not taking seriously the threat of political unrest, then the April 2nd attack - where a man rammed his vehicle into a barricade and...

10 Ways to Use Manpower and Time Effectively During the COVID-19

During COVID-19, we are witnessing a truly global crisis on two levels. Firstly, the people affected directly and indirectly by the virus, whether through sickness itself or forced from their jobs. Secondly, many industries are suffering as a result of...

Protection Dog Breeds That Don’t Get Enough Praise

Recently, we wrote an article on all the incredible, fiercely loyal protection dogs that will protect you, your family, and the principal at the drop of a hat. However, given just how many protection dog breeds there are, we...

Being Kidnapped

If you are caught in a kidnapping or hostage situation the most dangerous time will be is the first ten to fifteen minutes as the kidnappers will be very nervous and will have to let everyone know they are...

EP Operations: The Answer to Every Question You Don’t Ask

Several years ago I was listening to an audiobook on business that had this one piece of advice: the answer to every question you don’t ask is always no. To this date, I can’t remember the name of the...

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Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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