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Future practioners

The New Era of Executive Protection Lifestyle

We got some news for you. There is no such thing as a unified, centralized executive protection lifestyle. People are the ones who create trends and lifestyles. Hence, personalities differ significantly from person to person. Therefore, it's only reasonable...

Explaining the Basics of a Cybersecurity Infrastructure

In the age of information technology, a company that’s working without a solid cybersecurity infrastructure is pretty much destined to fail. But coming up with a structure all on your own can prove to be extremely difficult. That’s what...

Deaths from Terrorism Decline as New Threats Emerge

For five years now, deaths from terrorism are declining since their peak in 2014. As of then, the number or terrorism-related fatalities is down by 59 percent. However, conflict still remain the primary drive behind this phenomenon. Approximately 96...

Distinguishing the Top Executive Protection Companies

There are a ton of top executive protection companies in the world that handle some of the biggest clients and employ thousands of agents. But since everyone with an internet connection and a social media profile can claim to...

The Importance of Executive Protection Advance Work

Executive protection advance work is one of the most important things that you have to do ahead of any assignment. It’s especially relevant if you’re working on a smaller budget or with a smaller team. With that said, there’s a...

The Most Secure Messaging Apps in 2021

Whatsapp, a Facebook-owned messaging app, up until now reputed as one of the most secure communication tools, gave its users an ultimatum. Either agree to share your personal data with Facebook or stop using the app. In turn, this...

Gun Crime Surge and Dealing with It

Modern society faces numerous threats in the workplace, in the home, and elsewhere. Some are mild, while others have life-changing consequences. In this regard, gun crime is a contemporary human rights issue because it's threatening the right to life....

What is a Tactical Security Officer?

Bodyguard, executive protection agent, tactical security officer, security guard, tactical commander ― we sometimes get lost in the many different names that people perceive as similar roles. It's a good thing then that you are reading this EP Wired...

The Role That a Security Operations Center Plays

A security operations center plays a huge role in almost every security organization. It’s the central location where all issues are resolved, threats are monitored, and data is analyzed. But what does that all mean? What goes on in...

VIPs with the Tightest Celebrity Protection Teams

Being a celebrity means being famous – everywhere you go, people recognize you, shout your name, and usually want something from you. Sometimes, all they want is a minute of a celeb’s attention, an autograph or a selfie. But...

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Avoiding Martial Arts Dogma And Navigating the Full Spectrum of Violence

  Don't let your martial arts training confine your potential. In previous discussions, I've emphasized the importance of avoiding becoming...

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