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What It Means to Be an Executive Protection Professional

These days, it seems that anybody who has partaken in a two-week course in a classroom or disused car park is calling themselves a CPO, an executive protection professional, or an EP specialist. I receive resumes daily. And sadly, the...

Dr. Mary Beth Wilkas Janke: Women in Security Breaking the Glass Ceiling 

1. After a successful career in protection, you decided to change fields of study and became a psychologist. Was it difficult to make the transition, and how do you think being a former Secret Service agent helps you in...

What Is Close Protection Security + Becoming an Officer

What is close protection security? How do I start doing close protection, and how do I even know that it’s right for me? What responsibilities do close protection officers have?  If you’re new to the industry or thinking about joining,...

Staying Busy in EP

Oftentimes friends from my law enforcement days reach out to me and say, “I want to do what you do.” Usually, I explain to them how they are probably best off sticking with their guaranteed paycheck, medical benefits, and...

Basics of Diplomatic Security & Getting Into the Field

Becoming a diplomatic security agent takes a lot of time, dedication, and skill, and it’s definitely not for the faint of heart. It’s a title that’s going to require a lot of hard work, and only a handful of...

Karen Connell Interview: Handling VIP Protection

1. One of your roles in Hunter Protection is interviewing CPOs to see if they are right for the company. What is it that you’re looking for in individuals who are going to be doing high-level, VIP protection? Hunter Protection...

Marketing tips for Executive Protection Agents

Perception is everything, protect yourself, and build your reputation on solid ground. *These are part of a panel of personal opinions on marketing tips for executive protection agents formulated from my experience in the industry as an EP agent, business...

A Few Clowns Don’t Make a Circus: The Importance of Protecting the Protection Industry

The Executive Protection industry is a fantastic industry full of extremely competent and professional men and women from all walks of life. Although the typical backgrounds of both Police and Military are still highly prominent, some of the most...

What Is a Cybersecurity Event and How to Respond to It?

Cybersecurity events and incidents are happening all over the world, all the time. It’s just that the big ones aren’t making headlines, but are being dealt with by a group of highly trained security experts. But what exactly are...

Delivering Value in a Corporate Security Strategy

Advising on matters of security is a technical sales game. And if fortune would have you succeed in this industry, you will quickly understand that selling a corporate security strategy to your client is ultimately an exchange of value.  What...

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Protecting President Trump in a New Era of Executive Protection

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, attacks, the United States made significant changes to its national security...

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