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Case studies

How to Develop Standards in Executive Protection?

As the famous quote asserts, "Without standards, there can be no improvement." For some time, protection professionals have recognized the security industry was void of consistency and in dire need of standards in executive protection. This is not to suggest...

Effectiveness of Firearms in Executive Protection

There has been a lot of discussion on the effectiveness of firearms in executive protection. For many protectors, as well as for protectees, guns are synonymous with protection. In addition, they appear to be an indispensable requirement for exercising...

Executive Protection Vehicles: How to Choose the Best Fit

It is common knowledge that the principal is most vulnerable in and around the vehicle. There, they are exposed to direct attacks by crowds and malicious actors. Hence, making a good choice regarding executive protection vehicles and trained security drivers seems invaluable. For...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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