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A Brief History of International Terrorism 

Knowing the proper history of international terrorism, as well as the motives behind it, is key. Having that kind of intel can help governments and security professionals come up with more efficient defensive strategies. With that said, it’s time to...

ASIO: A Terrorist Attack in Australia Likely to Happen Within A Year

In a very blunt assessment of the security threat facing the country ASIO Director, General Mike Burgess, warns that a terrorist attack in Australia is likely in the next 12 months. Simultaneously with the country’s spy agency revelation concerning...

What You Need to Know About Event Security 

Doing event security is a lot more difficult than it seems from the outside looking, no matter if you’re the coordinator or security manager. There are so many moving parts, and accounting for everything and everyone is virtually impossible....

Italian Ambassador killed in DR Congo: Kidnapping gone Wrong?

The bodies of the Italian Ambassador killed in DR Congo and his bodyguard arrived back in Rome a day after an ambush in eastern Congo had cost them their lives. Luca Attanasio, was an experienced diplomat, known for his humanitarian...

Disaster Training as a Way of Life and More

The magnitude in which disasters are occurring is increasingly disturbing. From terrorist attacks to earthquakes to communicable diseases like COVID-19. Disaster training refers to the measures companies, governments, and individuals take to prepare for and reduce the effects of...

A Crash Course Into Executive Travel Risk Management

In the last few years, we’re seeing more companies getting into executive travel risk management. But what does that mean for your career and what skills do you need to sharpen to get ahead? Well, since doing executive travel risk...

Journey Management: The Perfect Plan Explained

Simply put, journey management frames a systemic and planned process for decreasing transportation-related risks in company operations. Where is this more relevant than executive protection, where industry specialists use vehicles as their primary mode for handling situations? Unlike travel risk...

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Travel Security – Aircraft, Motor Vehicles, and More

I thought I’d wait to write this article on travel security, specifically the air travel segment since there was...

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