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Non-Sterile and Sterile Areas – Where Do They Begin and End?

Enterprise Security Risk Management (ESRM), is a very effective method for measuring an organization's risks in an advisory capacity, evaluating an organization’s structure during and after a serious incident or crisis, and putting strategic countermeasures in place to lessen...

Planning for Safe & Secure Ground Transportation Success – The SECRETS of Ground Transportation – Part 2

If you’re reading this article because you saw the word “Secret” in the title and thought you’d be seeing something that no one else knows, stop reading now. There are no Secrets in anything we do in Protective Operations...

Planning for Safe & Secure Ground Transportation Success – Part 1

Spend more than a few minutes in the executive protection profession and it will become obvious that two of the major components of any protective visit is Logistics and Ground Transportation. By major, we mean, where some of the...

Drivers of Risk Assessments and Training – Reactivity or Proactivity?

What really drives the energy, if any, behind a risk assessment? Risk assessments are an important cog in the initial and recurrent security framework of any ad hoc or permanent security detail. For fixed assets, site risk assessments are...

Consider Leaving it Open

As a practioner and instructor of close protection, I focus more and more of my time and attention on the two things most important in the close protection field: Time and Distance. My good friend Jeff Marquart, a fine...

Making the Case for EP Medical Providers to Carry TXA in their Medical Bags

Imagine you are a lone EP Medic tasked to accompany your client for their 2-week trip to a remote destination, be it a cabin in Alaska, a ranch in Wyoming, a yacht trip to St Barts, or an Arican...

Here’s How to Prepare for a Medical Crisis While Traveling Overseas

When preparing for an international business trip, executives rarely think about the possibility of ending up in hospital. Nonetheless, for the thousands of Americans that find themselves far from home and in need of medical care as result of...

Ways LGBTQIA Business Travelers Can Protect Themselves Overseas

While we’d like to think of the world as tolerant and accepting, in reality, traveling overseas for business involves a certain degree of risk for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, and asexual (LGBTQIA) executives. In fact, there are a...

Hotel Security and Executive Protection: Key Considerations

All sorts of travellers, from business to recreational demand superior customer service and expect their safety and security to be looked after when booking into a hotel, think about it, how often when booking a hotel do we take into...

Enterprise Security Risk Management and Executive Protection

Enterprise Security Risk Management (or ESRM) is a security program approach that helps raise the profile of security. To put it simply, it occurs by linking security activities to an enterprise's mission and business goals. This occurs through various...

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Getting Duty of Care Right

On December 4th, 2024, a misguided and mentally unstable person, assassinated Brian Thompson, the CEO of United Health Care....

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