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USA: Acts of Domestic Terrorism That Shocked the World

According to the latest CSIS data, white supremacists were responsible for the majority of acts of domestic terrorism in 2020. Also, a lot of these attacks directed at law enforcement, military, and government personnel. As the number of terrorist plots...

Terrorism and Airport Security – A Short Guide

Terrorists are a looming threat, and airports are one of their most desirable targets. Why? Because they are easily accessible, gather many people in one place, and don't employ too many protection staff or the right equipment. Terrorism and...

The Evolution of CCTV Security

Executive protection agents need to have sharp vision and keep their eyes on the environment at all times. Of course, it's nearly impossible to do it 24/7. And here is where CCTV security enters the frame, as an ideal...

Night Vision Technology Is Worth the Hype

You’ve probably seen actors talking about night vision technology in pretty much every spy or EP movie in the world. But how much of that is actually accurate? Better yet, how can any of that knowledge help you while...

The Importance of Executive Protection Advance Work

Executive protection advance work is one of the most important things that you have to do ahead of any assignment. It’s especially relevant if you’re working on a smaller budget or with a smaller team. With that said, there’s a...

A Crash Course Into Executive Travel Risk Management

In the last few years, we’re seeing more companies getting into executive travel risk management. But what does that mean for your career and what skills do you need to sharpen to get ahead? Well, since doing executive travel risk...

What is a Tactical Security Officer?

Bodyguard, executive protection agent, tactical security officer, security guard, tactical commander ― we sometimes get lost in the many different names that people perceive as similar roles. It's a good thing then that you are reading this EP Wired...

Home Security Technology for Every Home

Within the ever-expanding field of digital technology, there is an increasing number of security essentials to consider. For instance, the security of a client's home is a priority for all executive protection agents. In this sense, home security technology...

The Biggest Workplace Risks and Safety Hazards

No matter the office dynamic, there are some workplace risks that employees face on an almost daily basis. If you’re the one in charge of securing the whole office and making sure that all the right security procedures are...

6 of the Most Shocking Cyber Espionage Attacks Ever

Cyber espionage attacks have been gaining a lot of popularity in the last few years, but why is that exactly? Well, for start, depending on their size and the targeted company, they can end up costing someone a small...

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Insider Risks and the Evolving Role of Executive Protection Professionals in Cybersecurity 

Insider risks have long been a critical concern in corporate security, traditionally encompassing threats from employees, contractors, or third-party...

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