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Residential security

What is a Tactical Security Officer?

Bodyguard, executive protection agent, tactical security officer, security guard, tactical commander ― we sometimes get lost in the many different names that people perceive as similar roles. It's a good thing then that you are reading this EP Wired...

Home Security Technology for Every Home

Within the ever-expanding field of digital technology, there is an increasing number of security essentials to consider. For instance, the security of a client's home is a priority for all executive protection agents. In this sense, home security technology...

The Biggest Workplace Risks and Safety Hazards

No matter the office dynamic, there are some workplace risks that employees face on an almost daily basis. If you’re the one in charge of securing the whole office and making sure that all the right security procedures are...

6 of the Most Shocking Cyber Espionage Attacks Ever

Cyber espionage attacks have been gaining a lot of popularity in the last few years, but why is that exactly? Well, for start, depending on their size and the targeted company, they can end up costing someone a small...

How to Stop School Shootings in a Few Simple Steps

According to Alfred University, only half of the students would tell an adult if they overheard other students talking about shooting someone at school. As chilling as this may sound, there is more. From January 1, 2009, to May...

How to Come up With an Office Security Plan

If you’re navigating the fascinating world of corporate security, at one point or another, you’ll probably be tasked with coming up with an office security plan. Your employer will ask you to consider all the moving parts and design...

The Essentials of Tactical Mobility Training

As many as 30 percent of all jobs contribute nothing of use to society. That was the finding of a few studies conducted over the years, and to nobody's surprise. We knew it all along and saw it everywhere...

The Ins and Outs of Active Shooter Protection

Over the course of only a few years, we’ve seen a massive increase in active shooter situations. Even though it’s a harrowing experience, there are a lot of guidelines on active shooter protection that could help save your life...

The Basics of CCTV Services — What You Need to Know

As an EP professional, you have to be familiar with CCTV services, and also know how to use them to their full potential. But what if you’ve never dabbled in monitoring before? What if you already know a thing...

Do You Need Residential Security Guards?

As the name implies, residential security guards patrol and protect private residences or areas. They are there to safeguard against peoples’ homes from various criminal activities, such as theft, trespassing, vandalism, loitering etc. Residential security guards are also authorized...

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7 Bodyguards Who Have Sued Their Celebrity Clients

In executive protection, building and maintaining relationships with principals is everything. But what happens when those relationships go sour...

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