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On the Go: Executive Protection Tools You Need the Most

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Since the onset of human civilization, we have used tools to improve our lives and defend ourselves. In the meantime, the circumstances have dramatically changed Still, many professions nowadays use various equipment, and EP is no different. Executive protection tools are an extended arm of every professional security specialist.

Say you go to visit a dentist. What can they do about your toothache if they don’t have dental probes and drills, spoon excavators, and all the rest? Not much. They could potentially comfort you by saying a few encouraging words. Tap you on the back, perhaps.

On the other hand, in this line of work, your client demands that you know which executive protection tools to use and how to utilize them. Kind words of don’t worry, my dear principal, I know God will shield us from harm just won’t do the trick. Please don’t take our word for it. Try it for yourself.

As attackers and intruders grew more complex, so did the companies that produce protective gear and equipment. Unfortunately, both EP agents and criminals have access to these tools and can use them to their advantage. The trick is to apply them tactically and make plans. All this will give you the upper hand in this confrontation.

The Mindset of EP Tool Use

Dozens of companies out there produce hundreds of products for this industry. We will mention some of them in this article. However, since training is vital in executive protection, we recommend that you first check out The Fundamentals of Executive Protection Training here on EP Wired.

The main point is that you don’t need all of your equipment all the time with you. Apart from harming your physical health due to the weight, it could also make you slower and more vulnerable to attacks. So dissect all options and carry only the most necessary equipment for each work task.

Still, many individuals from military and law enforcement backgrounds heavily rely on gear. They get carried away. And sometimes more than they should, forgetting that it’s only part of the job.

Task, Threat and Environment

The rules of executive protection postulate that you base your equipment use solely on the holy trinity of task, threat, and environment. This cycle has to be an ongoing mental process, and it keeps your mind sharp all the time while doing your job.

By task, we mean defining your purpose and providing the base for all of your decisions. Some experts like to use the five W’s for this purpose: when, what, who, where in order to why. An example of this would be: Transport Mr. Jacob from Munich Airport to HQ in order to provide safe transportation and personal protection.

By threat, we refer to the profiles of your principal, event, and even that of a potential attacker. It will help you know which gear to take with you on the task. Occasionally, you can use a sub-cycle for this goal. It encompasses the following elements: Intentional, Unintentional, and Embarrassing. Think of Top 5 Celebrity Protection Scandals, and you will never forget this step in the process of the holy trinity.

By environment, we mean continually assessing and maintaining awareness of your environment. It has its own sub-cycle entailing Inner, Middle, and Outer. It would be best if you continuously adapted to your specific circumstances and requirements. We don’t recommend being static and sterile, but always evolving with the environment.

Finally, use these three factors to provide the absolute best close protection to your clients. Always think about understanding your task in detail, establishing threat profiles, and endlessly assessing your environment. If there ever were solutions to countless problems in EP, this is it.

Executive Protection Tools

What to Wear and How

Wearing particular clothes is also an important aspect of executive protection. What you wear could mean the difference between everybody seeing your weapon on the hip and keeping it incognito. Just in case you weren’t sure, you should go with the second option. Nobody needs to know what you tucked in around your belt.

Take a look at yourself in the mirror before going out and try out different body positions. That way, you can ensure that people won’t notice all that equipment you carry around with you.

You need to consider three typical attires: business casual, business attire, and casual dress. For obvious reasons, you won’t use the third type a lot.

Specific Executive Protection Tools

In any case, what you will need almost always are well made and versatile holsters, which is why we recommend Precision Holsters Ultra Carry Elite. Its patented design allows the holster to pull the butt of the firearm grip towards the body, which results in more concealment. The minimalist design and premium cowhide leather backing will provide hours of comfort.

When you are on the go, you will have to carry an on-body medkit, like the Individual Protective Agent’s Kit. According to the manufacturer, the IPAK includes a practical and easy-to-use bleeding control dressing that controls bleeding in puncture wounds, lacerations, and other traumatic injuries. The kit consists of a portable-multi-purpose tourniquet and pressure bandage.

Some executive protection agents prefer to carry knives. And that’s okay. Nevertheless, they should do it with style. If it seems inappropriate to bring a full-blown army knife, perhaps a small multi-tool with a clip could be your thing. For instance, we recommend Gerber Crucial. It’s practical and doesn’t stand out as much.

One of the essential aspects of EP is communication. When you find yourself in an emergency, you don’t need your communication tools bailing out on you. Secure, encrypted comms are of the essence in this sense. That’s why using a field-programmable radio with a DMR is a winning combination.

You use the radio to program into whatever frequencies and codes you need. Additionally, you use DMR, or Digital Mobile Radio to program in encryption. These tools got you covered in any situation.

When a sophisticated attack occurs, lights can go out. That’s hugely inconvenient and dangerous in apartment buildings and hotels with no backup generators. For that emergency, you need flashlights. And we mean ultra-slick, durable, small-sized flashlights when you are on the go. Try out EDC Flashlights. You won’t regret it.

The Take-Away

If you take anything away from this article, make sure you remember the holy trinity: task, threat, and environment. Tailor the use of your specific executive protection tools to these three components. Furthermore, be open to new options, tactics, and techniques. Always keep on evolving and improving.

To stay on top of your game, experiment with as many different types of equipment and gear as possible. But don’t become entangled too much with that, since that’s not your no. 1 responsibility. Protecting your client is.

As soon as you master the basics of using executive protection tools, you will almost certainly become invincible in performing your work tasks. At the very least, hiring companies will scramble to get you on their team. And you sure want that.

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