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What is a Tactical Security Officer?

Must Read

Bodyguard, executive protection agent, tactical security officer, security guard, tactical commander ― we sometimes get lost in the many different names that people perceive as similar roles. It’s a good thing then that you are reading this EP Wired article. Here we will explain some of the intricacies of the EP industry. We bet you didn’t know that a tactical security officer observes and reports inappropriate behavior and materials to the client.

Or other vital details.

A tactical security officer also communicates and documents irregular security-related incidents. Often called a tactical response officer, this person secures premises and personnel. They do it by patrolling property, monitoring surveillance equipment, and inspecting buildings and tools.

Among their crucial roles, however, is to request help by sounding alarms. This professional prevents losses and damage by reporting irregularities. They aren’t your typical bouncer or bodyguard who uses brute force to protect the principal. In other words, advance work is also vital for their role sometimes.

So, what is a tactical security officer? What are their duties and qualifications? Let’s get right to it.

Tactical Security Officer Job Description

Many open job calls list the salaries and benefits. Well, okay, it’s mostly the salaries, because there aren’t too many genuine benefits. We say this because companies require tactical security officers to work in cold weather, rain, snow, and heat. Some even mention the lifting or carrying of 40+ pounds and climbing ramps or ladders. They list all this in the job requirements section.

Apart from that, there are undoubtedly other qualifications the applicant must have. For your convenience, we created a list of the main requirements below:

  • Driver’s license, with a focus on advance driving skills,
  • Computer skills and customer service experience,
  • Pass drug screening,
  • High school diploma or GED,
  • Proficient communication skills, interpersonal and business,
  • Guard Card or a permit from a relevant institution that allows a person older than 18 to work as a licensed unarmed security guard.

Some hiring companies and executive protection firms require prior military experience in combat arms. Others want to see at least some law enforcement practice in your background.

However, don’t be discouraged if you lack some of the elements. Nobody is born into a tactical security officer role. People learn, grow, apply, and get in. Or if not, just repeating the process will do the trick.

what is a tactical security officer

Besides these obvious job duties, there are others to consider as well. They pertain to the person’s physical and mental abilities. These include vision and hearing, as well as site training and qualification plan. Furthermore, operating a radio, a telephone, and console monitors and surveillance equipment is a must.

As soon as you pass all the tests and meet the qualifications, don’t forget about the salary. Many companies offer between USD32,000 and 44,000 a year, depending on the risks and job duties.

The Right Training and Skillset

In Executive Protection Online: Platforms and Benefits, we discuss the most attractive learning platforms. Yet, many EP agents say that nothing can really replace in-person training sessions. And we agree to a certain degree.

For instance, it’s clear as a bell that trainers can’t teach firearms training, combat first aid, and close-quarters combat online. Not really. Additionally, here are a few other aspects of tactical training for your consideration:

  • Combat fitness,
  • Orienteering,
  • Weapon defense,
  • Camouflage,
  • Silent team communication,
  • Covert movement,
  • Squad movement,
  • Tracking and evasion.

Another crucial point to consider is whether your company will pay you for the training. If not, or if you still haven’t joined the industry, you should know that it’s worth the investment. Here’s a training courses calendar you may find interesting for launching your tactical security officer career.

On average, courses cost somewhere between USD600 and 2,000. But you also should check if they require you to bring your own equipment to the training facility. Be smart about all this, and don’t get pulled into something that’s above your head.

If you choose to engage in any of those courses, you will have covered the job’s main aspects. More or less, you will be ready to apply for your first official role. Furthermore, you are going to learn how to respond to emergencies and behave in case of fire.

Also, conflict management will start feeling like second nature to you.

Tactical Security Companies

On the other hand, if you are a client looking to hire tactical security officers, we have a few firms to suggest. But first, what should a tactical security company offer to a client?

For starters, it ought to have a broad portfolio that includes security guard services and personal protection. They should provide a full range of security services, making them a one-stop-shop for all security-related needs. It’s easier that way than having to switch between companies.

Additionally, the company you choose must have the appropriate personnel. For instance, it should boast a team of qualified and experienced professionals. And by the way, don’t forget to see if they are offering affordable and practical solutions. If not, why do you need them in the first place?

As promised, here is a list of tactical training companies you need to take into account:

  • Tactical Security Chicago,
  • Tactical Security, LLC,
  • Tactical Security Incorporated,
  • Tactical Security International, LLC,
  • Tactical Security Solutions,
  • Tactical Team Security.

If you scan their websites and study their portfolio, you will indeed find a company that fits your needs.


In this article, we have explored the topic of what is a tactical security officer. We’ve provided you with a few pointers on what to look for if you are new to the industry. Even if that isn’t the case, additional soft skills and knowledge won’t hurt you.

But let’s make a small recap of all things important from this article:

  • Think of your mental and physical state. Are you ready to be put under constant pressure?
  • Individual firms will require you to jump out of your routine and do extra tasks. Be prepared for that.
  • Attend basic and advanced training courses. You will be better off and two steps ahead of your fellow industry competitors.
  • Ask for a salary quote before you start applying for jobs.
  • Learn as much as you can about industry fads and how to up your game.

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